Spiritual Awakening Made Simple by Andrew Seaton Experience the peace and joy of spiritual awakening. It is natural and achievable. In this inspiring and, above all, practical book, Andrew Seaton guides us to the peace of our true nature as the observing awareness beyond the mind. The book explains how, beginning in our infancy, we experience a spiritual forgetting. The mind creates abstract interpretations of the world and who we are. These conditioned interpretations become … [Read more...] about Spiritual Awakening Made Simple by Andrew Seaton
Simply Amazing Women by K. C. Armstrong
Simply Amazing Women by K. C. Armstrong Life After Heartbreak: 13 inspiring examples to encourage and inspire you. Simply Amazing Women continues celebrity radio host K. C. Armstrong's theme of human resiliency. Each of his 13 interviews showcases a woman who courageously faced severe challenges and ultimately used the experience for the benefit of others. It's not just about being a survivor; it's about surviving to ease the path of people facing their own life challenges: addiction, … [Read more...] about Simply Amazing Women by K. C. Armstrong
The Hollow Bone of Healing by Phoenix Rising Star
The Hollow Bone of Healing by Phoenix Rising Star Are you trapped in a personal crisis? Learn how to release the pain in your mind, body, and spirit. Do you suffer from stored tension and trauma? Have you lost sight of your true purpose? Do traditional healthcare practices leave you stiff and unaffected? As founder of The Healing Angel Protocol™, consciousness-therapy expert Phoenix Rising Star has twenty years of experience mending the body’s damage, both inside and out. Now she’s here to … [Read more...] about The Hollow Bone of Healing by Phoenix Rising Star
Chakra Empowerment for Women: Self-Guided Techniques for Healing Trauma, Owning Your Power & Finding Overall Wellness by Lisa Erickson
Powerful Chakra Tools to Help You Heal, Achieve Balance, and Awaken to Your Greatness Learn to move past trauma, find strength, and thrive with twelve chakra tools that are based on the feminine energy body and life phases. These tools focus on challenges that women often face in owning our power, balancing work and family, and maintaining physical and emotional health. Featuring an eight-page, full-color insert with clarifying chakra figures, this essential guide presents a no-nonsense, … [Read more...] about Chakra Empowerment for Women: Self-Guided Techniques for Healing Trauma, Owning Your Power & Finding Overall Wellness by Lisa Erickson
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Lawrence Wallace
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Lawrence Wallace A Practical Guide to Mental and Emotional Freedom! [Take action now and own this book for a limited time discount!] Feeling lost about how to effectively treat disturbing intrusive thoughts? You’re not alone! This book contains brilliant advice from a former sufferer of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts. Inspired by compassion, this book is a gift to fellow casualties of negative thought patterns, destructive behaviors, … [Read more...] about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Lawrence Wallace
The Compiled Research on Dissociative Identity Disorder by Shirley J. Davis
Dissociative Identity Disorder is a highly controversial mental health condition mainly because the public, providers, and those living with its diagnosis have not read or are not aware of the research available to them. This work contains a compilation of many of the important research papers and books available to anyone online to find truthful facts and information about DID. The intent of this book? To spread truthful information, help others help themselves, enlighten providers, and help … [Read more...] about The Compiled Research on Dissociative Identity Disorder by Shirley J. Davis
Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death by Robert Lanza, M.D.
Beyond Biocentrism explains how life creates reality. Acclaimed biologist Robert Lanza, one of TIME Magazine’s "100 Most Influential People in 2014," and leading astronomer Bob Berman, take the reader on an intellectual thrill-ride as they re-examine everything we thought we knew about life, death, the universe, and the nature of reality itself. This paradigm-shifting book provides a compelling argument for consciousness as the basis of the universe. Biocentrism builds on quantum theory by … [Read more...] about Beyond Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death by Robert Lanza, M.D.
Crooked by Chris Foster
This book is about life. To describe life with a single metaphor would be like putting the universe into a single equation. It is not all that feasible. With how complex it is, everyone's always trying to figure everything out, their minds kicking up dust as they run and run. But when they sit and breathe, the dust settles, and they see what was right in front of them all along. The chapters explain this meditation perspective and some of its applications. Picture this: if you're living in the … [Read more...] about Crooked by Chris Foster
A Doula’s Guide to Breastfeeding by Jemmais Keval-Baxter
A valuable guidebook with a wealth of information for any woman desiring to breastfeed her child. The book examines many of the issues surrounding the adventures of breastfeeding; whether it be the benefits, risks, complications or solutions, it offers sound advice and recommendations. Targeted Age Group:: 18-50 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? The health of women and children inspire all of my guides. As a doula, I have experienced the connection between a mother and her child and … [Read more...] about A Doula’s Guide to Breastfeeding by Jemmais Keval-Baxter
The Infinite You: Channeled Messages from The Collective by Rev. Candace Nadine Breen by Rev. Candace Nadine Breen
Join the author as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and as she explains how she became a vessel for The Collective’s messages. Witness what The Collective has for us to learn. Engage in their teachings and share your new-found knowledge with others who will, in return, share infinitely. This book is meant to be a short guide of life lessons as dictated to the author. Targeted Age Group:: 30-80 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? I was inspired to publish the messages from … [Read more...] about The Infinite You: Channeled Messages from The Collective by Rev. Candace Nadine Breen by Rev. Candace Nadine Breen
Summary & Analysis of Medical Medium by ZIP Reads
Summary & Analysis of Medical Medium by ZIP Reads Anthony William introduced the world to his healing powers and unprecented access to medical and spitirual knowledge with his very first book, Medical Medium. Learn the secret causes of many common chronic illnesses and how you can begin the healing process from within. Take control of your health destiny with the Medical Medium! In this book, William covers the hidden symptoms and causes of a range of illnesses including thyroid … [Read more...] about Summary & Analysis of Medical Medium by ZIP Reads
Crystals: Understand The Secret Power Of Crystal Healing To Balance Your Energy Field And Promote Well Being And Health by Stephen Davidson
Tired? Stressed? Feeling Down? Learn How Crystals Can Heal And Rejuvenate You Have you ever wished there was a simple and effective way to feel 100% better? You’re still hurting badly from that messy relationship break-up, continuously battling your insecurities, your fears and your phobias, struggling to find the motivation to keep going when things get tough and feeling sick of that deep nagging feeling that life isn’t unfolding for you as it should be. Or maybe you’ve had enough of those … [Read more...] about Crystals: Understand The Secret Power Of Crystal Healing To Balance Your Energy Field And Promote Well Being And Health by Stephen Davidson