An introduction to kettlebell: 30 days program for massive muscle gain and weight loss. Suitable for beginner and advance level by Peak Sornpaisarn Targeted Age Group:: 18-45 Have you ever feel so bored in the gym where you don't know what to play anymore? Or you are too nervous to start on using a new equipment and don't know how to use it? One day you walk pass a kettlebell and you scream WHAT THE HECK IS THAT! It looks weird. It looks still. It doesn't even look like an exercise … [Read more...] about An Introduction to Kettlebell by Peak Sornpaisarn
My Huband’s Under Here Somewhere: Collectors, Packrata and Compulsive Hoarderss by Janice Strubbe Wittenberg & William Strubbe
Hoarders collect to excess, filling bathtubs, closets, kitchens, garages, storage sheds—floor-to-ceiling—to render their living spaces uninhabitable. They’re so consumed they lose jobs, family and friends, homes, health, and occasionally their lives. To the rest us, these people seem bizarre or mentally ill, and we view their challenges with impatience, frustration and simplistic answers. Yet a true fix isn’t so simple. But My Husband’s Under Here Somewhere strives to unearth them. Morbidly … [Read more...] about My Huband’s Under Here Somewhere: Collectors, Packrata and Compulsive Hoarderss by Janice Strubbe Wittenberg & William Strubbe
The Power of Time Perception by Jean Paul Zogby
The Power of Time Perception by Jean Paul Zogby Wondering how time flies? Want to slow it down? Live the Longest Year of Your Life & Make Every Second Count! With the latest in brain science, discover how to stretch the good times and fast forward through the bad ones. Understand how your brain perceives time, why it speeds up, and how to Make Every Second Count! Get Your Copy Now! … [Read more...] about The Power of Time Perception by Jean Paul Zogby
Bargain Book: Calorie Counting Made Easy by Alykhan Gulamali
Are you tired of trying—and failing—to lose weight over and over again? Are you frustrated by fad diets that control what and when you can eat? Do you wish getting to your goal weight could be easier and less time consuming? What if I told you that there was a proven system to lose weight, that it would take you less than five minutes a day, and that you wouldn’t have to give up your favorite foods? It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. And it’s not some crazy new diet, either. What … [Read more...] about Bargain Book: Calorie Counting Made Easy by Alykhan Gulamali
Infertility Etiquette: Dealing with Harsh Words: Top 30 Things NOT to Say to Someone Struggling with Infertility by Jacqueline Winslow
Do you struggle with infertility? What about all those crazy things people say when you expect it least? That's right. Infertility Etiquette is all about what to say and what not to say to someone struggling with infertility. Come grab a cup of coffee and laugh and cry as we explore some of the hardest things said to a woman who is trying without sucess to conceive. Targeted Age Group:: 18-50 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? Infertility Etiquette: Dealing with Harsh Words: Top 30 … [Read more...] about Infertility Etiquette: Dealing with Harsh Words: Top 30 Things NOT to Say to Someone Struggling with Infertility by Jacqueline Winslow
Your health looks great on you – 15 tips to feeling fabulous in the prime of your life by Donna Mulvenna
Your health looks great on you is a new and unique book that gives 15 simple and effective tips to help you achieve optimum health - healthy eating, healthy lifestyle and healthy mind - at 50 and beyond. There is no sign of torturous gym routines or diet schedules, just simple practical tips that can be easily incorporated into your life to unlock the balance to health, soul and natural beauty. In fact, many of the tips you will already know, you just need to be prodded a little and have the … [Read more...] about Your health looks great on you – 15 tips to feeling fabulous in the prime of your life by Donna Mulvenna
Bargain Book: Type 2 Diabetes UNRAVELLED: Beginners Guide to Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention by Elke Falkner
Discover why Type 2 Diabetes affects so many people around the world and what you can do to prevent yourself from suffering from this disease. If you already have Type 2 diabetes, then learn the best ways to treat it. Targeted Age Group: 18 and above Book Price: 0.99 This book is bargain priced from 10/25/2016 until 11/07/2016. Links to buy book: (Check book price before you buy, as prices can change due to expiration of the sale or other technical issues.) Link To Buy Type 2 … [Read more...] about Bargain Book: Type 2 Diabetes UNRAVELLED: Beginners Guide to Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention by Elke Falkner
Home Remedies For Stress, Depression And Anxiety by Monica Sidoine
This is an Ebook on Home remedies for Stress, Depression and Anxiety. It is to be used as for informational purposes on preventive care. It comes with information on the symptoms, causes, treatments and health tips. . Targeted Age Group:: above 18 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? In this century that we are living in many persons are experiencing symptoms from stress, depression and anxiety in different forms. This Ebook will help them to take care of themselves. The guidelines are … [Read more...] about Home Remedies For Stress, Depression And Anxiety by Monica Sidoine
Do Yoga Every Damn Day by Daniel Wallen
If you want to learn how yoga can boost health + longevity, reduce stress + anxiety, and transform you into a calm + cool person... you need to read this book ASAP! Author, health coach, and Tennessee yoga teacher Daniel Wallen wants to show you how to start a yoga practice at your own unique pace. Don't let your mind make yoga sound hard. You don't even have to own a yoga mat. Read "Do Yoga Every Damn Day" and discover: 5 Surprising Benefits of Doing Yoga 6 Yoga Philosophies That … [Read more...] about Do Yoga Every Damn Day by Daniel Wallen
The Art of Mindful Eating by Cinzia Pezzolesi and Ivana Placko
The Art of Mindful Eating is about questioning the solutions we have applied to dieting so far that have become problematic in their own right, and about developing the art of mindful eating. After all, eating is an art, not a science. Sure, there is a lot of science behind the art, but it is an art nonetheless. The intent of this book is to help you find out what works for you and how you can make small lifestyle changes that will help you develop a joyful and relaxed relationship with food, … [Read more...] about The Art of Mindful Eating by Cinzia Pezzolesi and Ivana Placko
The 3 Keys to Greater Health & Happiness: A Beginner’s Guide to Exercise, Diet & Mindset by Dale L. Roberts
The 3 Keys to Greater Health & Happiness: A Beginner’s Guide to Exercise, Diet & Mindset gives you useful methods, not empty promises. Dale L. Roberts provides insight on where to start in fitness, what ideal foods to eat and how the right outlook can help you get a healthier body, mind and spirit. He shows that you don’t need to be in your greatest shape to start or have innate talent to attain success and happiness - but you do need to learn and understand how to use the three keys in … [Read more...] about The 3 Keys to Greater Health & Happiness: A Beginner’s Guide to Exercise, Diet & Mindset by Dale L. Roberts
The 90-Day Home Workout Plan: A Total Body Fitness Program for Weight Training, Cardio, Core & Stretching by Dale L. Roberts
The 90-Day Home Workout Plan gives you the most comprehensive approach to your fitness goals and needs. Dale L. Roberts presents a carefully designed program for getting the most out of your strength, cardio, core and flexibility training. He shows the crucial components of an effective workout and how each element fits into a single session. This book gives you the best steps in your fitness development! -Exercises laid out in a simple-to-follow plan -Great full color pictures for exercise … [Read more...] about The 90-Day Home Workout Plan: A Total Body Fitness Program for Weight Training, Cardio, Core & Stretching by Dale L. Roberts