About John W. Wells III: Hello! My name is John Wells III. I love long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners— Okay, I am only joking—Well, not about the long walks on the beach. Or the dinners, But that is because I'm a San Diego Native, and who doesn't love the beach and tacos? So let's see, about me. Well, I am a nerd with a wild imagination. I love fantasy and the supernatural, which is why I write about them. I picked up my first Animorphs book in the third grade, and I … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – John W. Wells III
Angel Lost by F. M. Meredith
Angel Lost by F. M. Meredith Officer Stacey Wilbur and Detective Milligan are getting married. Stacey is trying to catch a pervert who exposes himself to female joggers. A reflection of an angel on a big window down town is causing traffic problems, and a serial killer is working his way south, … [Read more...] about Angel Lost by F. M. Meredith
Interview with Author – Ophelia Kee
About Ophelia Kee: Not who everyone thinks she is. The product of someone’s imagination. The end result of a lifetime wishing to get out. Do not buy the lie. If you live in fear, you give up freedom. Taking the risk and making the leap. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Innuendo floating on the mist that rises above the water. Walk away and leave it all behind. Telling the story that haunts a fantasy. Catching a dream. She does not exist. Ophelia Kee What inspires you to … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Ophelia Kee
Rise of the Unmarked: Spiritual Revolution Book 1 by J. Michael Krivyanski
In the world's future, there is one governing body. All individuals are given a mark on their right hand at birth so the government can monitor them. They are told to only trust technology and what it tells them. People are not taught they have a soul. They are unaware of the intense spiritual warfare occurring around them. The effort to collect human souls is a well-guarded state secret. People are encouraged to only worship a single religion. The worship of any other religion … [Read more...] about Rise of the Unmarked: Spiritual Revolution Book 1 by J. Michael Krivyanski
The War Queen by JM Robison
300 years ago, the people dethroned their king and queen to prevent another tyranny. Now instead, the people nominate a State Head every three years and Altarn is the first female to hold the position. She’s used to tolerating the biases of men but Kaelin, the State Head of his territory, has declared her incompetent and has even, according to Altarn, threatened to steal her land – she believes he wants to make himself king. Believing she must “dethrone” Kaelin, Altarn rides to her last ally to … [Read more...] about The War Queen by JM Robison
The Fallen Angels Of Hell by L. W. Brook
Soul 547888842613 awakens to find himself in a holding cell of hell. After being released by his supposed tour guide and soul collector, Arma, he discovers an emptiness within himself that he can't quite shake. With the center of hell a freezing pit of fire, an intruder in the midst, and a soulmate MIA, the fallen angels of hell scurry to restore the balance. Targeted Age Group:: 13-60 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? My novella, The Fallen Angels Of Hell, was inspired in part by … [Read more...] about The Fallen Angels Of Hell by L. W. Brook
Dead Yet Dying by B. K. Brain
Daniel Speegs isn’t aware he was scheduled to die with his fiancée fifteen years ago. He’s spent the stolen time in an alcoholic blur, blaming himself for her death. When he realizes he can go back and save her he sets out on a fatal journey. But the power to change the past isn’t his to give. Not according to a murderer, a man determined to claim Dan’s mortal energy for himself, no matter the cost. Enter Shellandra Flack, agent of death. Dan’s existence has derailed the chain of causality … [Read more...] about Dead Yet Dying by B. K. Brain
The Cypress Hills Series Samantha’s Legacy by Angel Ernst
Samantha Walsh had the misfortune of being born in the old Cypress Hills Farm house. From the moment her innocent blood touched the old wooden floor, she was marked for sacrifice. Later in life the forces that had marked start to make their presence and intentions known to Samantha. However Samantha is not all she seems to be; along with her mother, great aunt and two older sisters she begins her journey into void where she finds The Ancient Ones are waiting for her... Targeted Age Group:: … [Read more...] about The Cypress Hills Series Samantha’s Legacy by Angel Ernst