In the world's future, there is one governing body. All individuals are given a mark on their right hand at birth so the government can monitor them. They are told to only trust technology and what it tells them. People are not taught they have a soul. They are unaware of the intense spiritual warfare occurring around them. The effort to collect human souls is a well-guarded state secret. People are encouraged to only worship a single religion. The worship of any other religion … [Read more...] about Rise of the Unmarked: Spiritual Revolution Book 1 by J. Michael Krivyanski
Interview with Author – Brian Lakins
About Brian Lakins: About the Author BRIAN LAKINS was ingrained into the Christian faith as a young child...then seeking his own ways for a season, the prodigal returned to Jesus with a God-given passion to write and speak to Christians and seekers to inspire them to live holy in an unholy world. He earned his degree in Biblical studies from Liberty University. Wisdom was gained in the trenches of life, and the passion for Brian to address deep questions of faith beyond surface teachings … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Brian Lakins
Word First: A Revelation On Faith by Don C Harris
A game-changer in Christianity, "Word First", presents an adjustment in the concept of faith that makes ALL the difference. Is there a question, a pause in your mind, an interruption in logic that causes you ignore reality to be true to the faith you've adopted? There is a real, true and honest faith that equips men and women to deal with the daily problems of life. Faith is faith, not hope. Don't wait for a crises to investigate the forgotten element faith, which is revealed in this short, but … [Read more...] about Word First: A Revelation On Faith by Don C Harris
JerUSAleam and the Blood of Jesus by Brian David Mattson
An in depth look at the Blood of Jesus Christ and what is required by the leaders of Zion in JerUSAlem in these last days. A very detailed description and understanding of devils, demons, Satan, and the legal system that is used through Mystery Babylon's system of Corpocracism. This book is an eye popper to those who may be familiar with psychology, sociology, public relations, religion and other systems that are used to deceive, manipulate, and exploit the masses of this New World Order system. … [Read more...] about JerUSAleam and the Blood of Jesus by Brian David Mattson