TBoan's Tales of the Fantastic 1: Fragments of Mind is a collection of fantasy genre short stories. The author calls them fragments because some of them are excerpts from larger bodies of unfinished works in progress. They are a mere taste of more yet to come! Yet, they stand on their own, each an escape from your everyday life into worlds of the fantastic... the epic, the paranormal, the magical, the mythical, and the macabre! Explore these new worlds, experience their different cultures and … [Read more...] about TBoan’s Tales of the Fantastic 1: Fragments of Mind (CENSORED Edition) by Troy Boylan
By the Horse’s Wings: Book One of the Wings of Destiny series by Karen Kanouse
In a world where magic is both feared and revered, meet Zia, a young woman with a secret even she doesn’t know: she possesses extraordinary magical abilities and an uncanny connection to animals. When a rebel army kidnaps her two brothers and sister and threatens to tear her country apart, Zia embarks on a perilous journey to save them. With grit and determination and only a few loyal companions by her side, Zia must navigate treacherous landscapes and outsmart cunning enemies while keeping … [Read more...] about By the Horse’s Wings: Book One of the Wings of Destiny series by Karen Kanouse
Battle for Eklatros by Alex Galassi
Discover Ànifa’s thrilling tale in the first part of the Rebalancing the Cosmos series. Eklatros is a peaceful planet, untouched by war for thousands of years. Throughout the ages since the back-to-back conflicts known as the War for Equality and the Dark War, humans have become soft. Their history has become myth and the magic that was once abundant is fading away. Now, Eklatros faces its gravest threat yet from an alien horde known as the Gnusar. Cities are being ravaged while the Gnusar’s … [Read more...] about Battle for Eklatros by Alex Galassi
Interview with Author – Alex Galassi
About Alex Galassi: Alex Galassi’s debut novel Battle for Eklatros is the first book in the Rebalancing the Cosmos series. He has been writing and creating stories for most of his life. Many of his characters, including Navacus Clums and Cecil Kloud, were born through his time playing with LEGO. Alex was born in Littleton, Colorado in the early 1990s and has lived in Colorado his entire life. He received his Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Colorado in Boulder in the School of … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Alex Galassi
Grim Daze (The Grim Chronicles Book 2) by D.R. Martin
Grim Daze (The Grim Chronicles Book 2) by D.R. Martin I intended the Grim Chronicles series for young adult fans of Harry Potter, Narnia, and Redwall. Book two continues the magical adventures of Howl, the boy wizard, and his human and animal companions in their battle for freedom. As new evils come to Grimsland, they must find new allies, stand with old foes, and tap into unimagined wonders. The story also includes chapter illustrations of scenes and characters. Your feedback is vital to … [Read more...] about Grim Daze (The Grim Chronicles Book 2) by D.R. Martin
Broken Souls by Troy Calkins
Bothvar Beorcolsson Through fire and ice I will fight to find honor. Whether it be giants or creatures of the night, I’ll fight. Pain is my comfort, and sorrow is my companion. Death follows wherever I go. Even the sun hides from my sight. Bothvar they call me. My journey isn’t an easy one. It follows a long and broken road full of the bones of those who I couldn’t save and those who got in my way. My blades are soaked in the blood of my enemies, but my heart is left in shattered pieces, … [Read more...] about Broken Souls by Troy Calkins
Necromancer of Urbus by J. M. Samland
Ladened with guilt, Cazlandt strides to the realm of Urbus. He travels a world of wraiths and shadows in search of a means to revive a friend he killed centuries ago. The very essence of the realm threatens to corrupt his soul as he searches for a necromancer to teach him a new spell capable of pulling one back from that final curtain. Will Cazlandt find what he seeks? And will he make it out of Ubrus without taking a sliver of that cursed realm with him? After a life spanning unknown … [Read more...] about Necromancer of Urbus by J. M. Samland
Song of Echoes (Book 1 – Epic Fantasy Series) by R. E. Palmer
For three hundred years, the people of the Five Realms have lived in relative peace. Yet, far to the north, the Ruuk stir, driven by a rising evil; long believed banished from the world. To survive, the realms must discover a way to fight an enemy that all but defeated their ancestors. Targeted Age Group:: 16+ What Inspired You to Write Your Book? From an early age I have read science fiction and fantasy. My favorite authors are Arthur C. Clarke and J.R.R. Tolkien. I started writing in … [Read more...] about Song of Echoes (Book 1 – Epic Fantasy Series) by R. E. Palmer
Interview with Author – Dave Maruszewski
About Dave Maruszewski: Dave Maruszewski is blessed with a great family. He was originally inspired to write stories by his wife and son, when they encouraged him to put his bedtime stories on paper. His stories are created from an accumulation of experiences from careers/backgrounds as a physicist, engineer, teacher, artist, video game designer and software developer. He strives to develop stories with sound moral values that will be enlightening as well as entertaining to youths and … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Dave Maruszewski
Interview with Author – Dave Dobson
About Dave Dobson: A native of Ames, Iowa, Dave loves writing, reading, boardgames, computer games, improv comedy, pizza, barbarian movies, and the cheaper end of the Taco Bell menu. Also, his wife and kids. In addition to his novels, Dave is the author of Snood, Snoodoku, Snood Towers, and other computer games. Dave first published Snood in 1996, and it became one of the most popular shareware games of the early Internet. His most recent project (other than writing) is Doctor Esker's … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Dave Dobson
The Chronicle Gate Vol. 2: Alphine by N. Lang
What if what once was beliefe... is now truth? Sinya and Taylinn go off into space in search of Taylinn’s father, Jasper, and Sinya’s home world Earth. Along the way they meet new friends and explore new worlds by way of The Chronicle Gate but when Taylinn’s sister and friends from Ethereal get pulled into the battle of Mer-Dragons they all must learn to do the one thing they were taught was against the Fay Goddess law: Fight! Or Ethereal may be doomed to destruction. In order to learn to fight … [Read more...] about The Chronicle Gate Vol. 2: Alphine by N. Lang
Interview with Author – Robert Cano
About Robert Cano: A unique poet and new author who hearkens back to the world of the classics, Robert Cano also brings his poetic voice to his prose as he scribbles his stories down in small and barely legible scrawlings. The world he has created is inspired by the likes of Tolkien, Le Guin, and Shelley. Building his world with incredible depth of lore and fascinating characters of all types and races, Cano's artwork is of a classical mindset. Calming, despite, or perhaps because of, the … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Robert Cano