Why Know the Significance of the Film ‘Royal Love Story From The Grave’? by Kevin Douglas Wright Why Know the Significance of the Film ‘Royal Love Story From The Grave’? tells the true story of how Kevin Douglas Wright's very first film project came to be a feature-length movie that he produced, wrote, and directed with literally no experience, absolutely zero Hollywood connections, and a film production budget of -$0.00. This movie is Now a Major Motion Picture! ⦿ Discover this early … [Read more...] about Why Know the Significance of the Film ‘Royal Love Story From The Grave’? by Kevin Douglas Wright
Interview with Author – Jacqie D’Bach
About Jacqie D'Bach: I am an ordinary girl who loves Jesus. I have always loved to draw, and scribble in a journal. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wondering as a teenager. In fact, as a young girl, I created a cartoon character named Chuckles. He was a dog who looked a lot like Snoopy from the famous Peanuts cartoon. I have always been a fan. I believe in my heart that when we nourish on God's Word we begin to flourish, like the mustard seed shooting … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Jacqie D’Bach
Interview with Author – Alan J. Hesse
About Alan J. Hesse: Based in biodiversity-rich Ecuador, Alan wears several hats: he is an author-illustrator, an educator and a conservation biologist. Alan’s work is inspired by the majesty and fragility of nature and the need to do everything we can to protect it. Alan combines his artistic creativity with his technical experience and knowledge to create scientifically accurate, educational children’s books full of quirky, comic humour and fun action, and usually bearing a message about … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Alan J. Hesse
Success Reinvention by Dr. Harvey Castro, MD
Success Reinvention by Dr. Harvey Castro, MD "Fantastic book by a real person who had to achieve success without it being handed to him. He acknowledges the wonderful blessing he had of a determined mother and their faith in the Lord to shape his life. This book can help you get on, or back on track, will help you find what’s important to you, and hopefully leave a legacy you will be proud of"... ~Dr Barry Ungerleider Emergency Physician & Inventor / Developer - Healthcare Products For … [Read more...] about Success Reinvention by Dr. Harvey Castro, MD
Smarter Every Year: 366 Random Facts by Elsmere Gracey
Smarter Every Year: 366 Random Facts by Elsmere Gracey The fifth book in the ‘Smarty Pants Series’, ‘Smarter Every Year–366 Random Facts’ contains a fact for every day of the year – even if it is a leap year! Each day is a gift and an opportunity to learn something new. This book offers the reader snippets of information as we travel together to the moon and back. We will also examine unusual items left at airports, have a quick glance at the dark side of life, discover what a forensic … [Read more...] about Smarter Every Year: 366 Random Facts by Elsmere Gracey
Interview with Author – Harken Headers
About Harken Headers: Harken Headers is an avid learner and researcher of many topics but particular in Health. Harken lives wherever the wind blows gaining experience and knowledge to share with people like you. Health &Not Screwing It Up Is Harken's 1st book. What inspires you to write? Anything that sparks my interest to improve life whether that be health, fitness, nutrition, nature, travel, I could go on forever. What authors do you read when you aren't writing? Lately I … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Harken Headers
Interview with Author – Jakova Pen
About Jakova Pen: Jakova began her educational pursuits in Graphic Design at the International Academy of Art & Design in Tampa, Florida, followed by eight years as a freelance graphic designer. She completed her undergraduate work at the University of California, Berkeley in Natural Resources and earned a Master of Science from the University of Southern California in Geographic Information Science and Technology with an emphasis in Sustainable Development. Her aspirations are to inspire … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Jakova Pen
Interview with Author – Erika Kathryn
About Erika Kathryn: ERIKA KATHRYN graduated with honors from Wing Camp where she earned her Halo and her spirited set of wings. She now heads the Angel Dispatch Department in Heaven. She frequents Unicorn Island, the Fairy Forest, and the Sorcery Sire. You can find her most days taking a dip with the mermaid tribe, drinking from the Fountain of Youth, walking along the sandy beach of the Good Soul State, or playing with her pet clouds. In addition to THE ANGEL ARCHIVES TRILOGY she is … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Erika Kathryn
Interview with Author – Atalia Felicia
About Atalia Felicia: Atalia loves to serve by helping people to be a better version of themselves. She is passionate about education, people and life. Having traveled to 50 countries so far has helped her see things from various different points of view. It allows her to put herself in other people's shoes more easily. She values things unseen like culture, rich insight and friendship, more than things that are seen. Atalia has professional experience from over 12 years of consulting … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Atalia Felicia
Interview with Author – Moses Olanrewaju Bolarin
About Moses Olanrewaju Bolarin: Moses Olanrewaju Bolarin is a Christian, husband, father, and minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Over the years, he has become an authority in the I.T. and multimedia sectors. Presently, he is Global Strategist and Founder at Majestic World of Business, and Chief Executive at 3niti Multimedia Academy. He was ranked in the top 6% of overall Nigerian executives and presented an “Award of Excellence 2015”. He is included in the premier publication of the … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Moses Olanrewaju Bolarin
How to DO it Yourself…A-Z by Diane EM Tegarden
“How To Do it Yourself…A-Z” is a compilation of articles written for the do-it-yourselfer. The book offers well written articles on such diverse topics as: money management, self-health care, relationship issues and how to solve them, publishing, disaster preparedness, green living, owning and running your own business, and pet care, just to name a few. Targeted Age Group:: adults 21-81 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? As an interesting challenge to myself I wanted to come up with a … [Read more...] about How to DO it Yourself…A-Z by Diane EM Tegarden
Budgeting on a Dime: 10 Steps to Financial Independence by Diane EM Tegarden
“Budgeting on a Dime: 10 Steps to Financial Independence” is a step by step guide on how to get your personal finances in order, fueling your financial freedom. It begins by explaining how to find out where your money is spent, offers an entire chapter on how to reduce each type of expense, offers help on eliminating credit card debt, and teaches you how to increase your future earnings. This book is written in a low key style, one that will be easy to understand, without a lot of technical … [Read more...] about Budgeting on a Dime: 10 Steps to Financial Independence by Diane EM Tegarden