About Diana Howell: I still have the copy of MADELINE awarded to me in the second grade. Reading Period was always my favorite part of the school day, and spelling bees, which I usually won unless Frankie Doetsch was present that day. Then we were the last two standing, and if I didn't choke, I won! Wishes Are Free has received unanimous praise as a book of heart and wisdom. I always wanted to connect with people in a feel-good way. Mission accomplished. I was a quiet child. It’s … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Diana Howell
Featured Free Book: Too Young by A Bean
Featured Free Book: Book is free from 09/28/2021 until 09/30/2021 If the dates are the same, book is free one day only. About the Book Tatianna T. Williams is too young for anything. Her parents say she is too young to understand why they had to move to a new town and a new school, and all the neighborhood kids say she's too young to hang out with them. All alone, Tatianna turns to her imagination to keep her company; in her dreams, she visits a new world with giant trees, dancing … [Read more...] about Featured Free Book: Too Young by A Bean
Interview with Author – David Bush
About David Bush: David Bush is a medical doctor specialized in haematology. He was born in Malta but left for the UK when he was in his early twenties. He returned to his first home in 2003 where he still practises hospital medicine. He is the co-founder of a support group for patients with blood cancers. Since he gave up his private practice, he has had more time to spend with the family. He enjoys reading, swimming, travelling and doing any type of DIY job. Most of all, though, he cherishes … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – David Bush
Interview with Author – Brian Kindall
About Brian Kindall: Brian Kindall writes books – some for kids, some for grown-ups – brimming with the absurdity, beauty, and mystery of life. He crafts his stories to join the finest qualities of literature with large doses of adventure, peopling them with one-of-a-kind characters you won’t soon forget. He is a master at playing humor against pathos, and fairytales against reality, all for the sake of a good (and sometimes quirky) read. He loves mountain climbing and free-diving and his wife … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Brian Kindall
Interview with Author – Fiona Ingram
About Fiona Ingram: I come from a background of theatre studies and journalism. My studies and love of travel have combined because after university I spent a year in London at drama school and a year in Paris studying mime. After a few years working in grassroots and community-based theater, I began to write more and gradually moved into journalism. Becoming a children’s author happened by complete accident after I went on a family trip to Egypt with my mother and two young nephews. By the … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Fiona Ingram
Interview with Author – Diane Solomon
About Diane Solomon: Diane Solomon enjoyed a wonderfully diverse career path that included her own variety show on BBC TV in England and major tours with Glen Campbell and Kenny Rogers. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome then laid waste to her performing career, and she suffered for more than seven years in a kind of half-life. Her almost miraculous recovery, via a homeopathic remedy, is in itself the basis for a book. Now she is a full-time author and writer. This is the first novel written with her … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Diane Solomon
Interview with Author – Erika Kathryn
About Erika Kathryn: ERIKA KATHRYN graduated with honors from Wing Camp where she earned her Halo and her spirited set of wings. She now heads the Angel Dispatch Department in Heaven. She frequents Unicorn Island, the Fairy Forest, and the Sorcery Sire. You can find her most days taking a dip with the mermaid tribe, drinking from the Fountain of Youth, walking along the sandy beach of the Good Soul State, or playing with her pet clouds. In addition to THE ANGEL ARCHIVES TRILOGY she is … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Erika Kathryn
Interview with Author – Leah Sanders
About Leah Sanders: LEAH SANDERS makes her home in Idaho with her husband and four children. By day she teaches English at a local community college and drives the volleyball carpool. By night, she writes, edits, and designs cover art from her favorite seat on the couch. What inspires you to write? I get my inspiration from a variety of places: my kids, discussions with friends, but most of all I just love to write. Tell us about your writing process. I'm a complete seat of the pants … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Leah Sanders