About Nanyamka Boyer: Nanyamka Boyer was born in Colon City, Panama. She moved to the United States in 1995, she got saved on January 6th of 2003, and is the second oldest child of five children. She loves spending time with the Lord, in His Word, through praise, worship, and through prophecies of His servants the prophets. She resides in Texas with her husband and four children and focuses on serving the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. What inspires you to write? The Lord is and has been my … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Nanyamka Boyer
Interview with Author – Kyoko M
About Kyoko M: Kyoko M is an author, a fangirl, and an avid book reader. Her debut novel, The Black Parade, has been on Amazon's Bestseller List at #5 in the Occult Horror category. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Lit degree from the University of Georgia, which gave her every valid excuse to devour book after book with a concentration in Greek mythology and Christian mythology. When not working feverishly on a manuscript (or two), she can be found buried under her Dashboard on Tumblr, or … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Kyoko M
Interview with Author – Kyoko M.
About Kyoko M.: Kyoko M is an author, a fangirl, and an avid book reader. Her debut novel, The Black Parade, has been on Amazon's Bestseller List at #5 in the Occult Horror category. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Lit degree from the University of Georgia, which gave her every valid excuse to devour book after book with a concentration in Greek mythology and Christian mythology. When not working feverishly on a manuscript (or two), she can be found buried under her Dashboard on Tumblr, … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Kyoko M.
Gates by G.S. Luckett @GSLuckett
This book is bargain priced from 09/07/2014 until 12/07/2014 Can a condemned soul become God's weapon? A death row inmate, known as The Brit, on an isolated island is able to escape from his execution during a freak thunderstorm. Now, he finds himself fighting his way through the prison and protecting the very people who jailed him. Pursued by prisoners and guards that will not die and a mysterious inmate from his nightmares, The Brit has to lead the others to escape in order to save their … [Read more...] about Gates by G.S. Luckett @GSLuckett
Dreamless by Erin Manbeck by Erin Manbeck @erinmanbeck
In the beginning, when the battle for heaven was won and the rebellious angels were cast into hell, not every angel had a place. Those who hadn't chosen a side were sentenced to exist between the two parallels…earth. The angels who repented were called the Fallen, peaceful angles that existed amongst mankind. Those who rejected their punishment became known as the First, angels that survived by stealing souls. Over time, a First and Fallen unite and the Protectors were born. Eighteen year … [Read more...] about Dreamless by Erin Manbeck by Erin Manbeck @erinmanbeck