In a small town named Gordonville Pennsylvania that Kyle considers nowhere, he lives a lazy life with his father, trying to find him-self. A town whose economy and workforce decimated by losing its main employer of jobs there is not much work to be found. In turn, there is not much for a high-school drop out to do. It is a boring and monotonous existence for a young adult. Going from job to job, just to get by, he finds himself in the same rut as every other kid his age. Most of his free time … [Read more...] about One Light Burning (The Rippled Reality Trilogy Book 1) by Joshua McCloskey
Interview with Author – Tara Ellis
About Tara Ellis: Author Tara Ellis lives in a small town in beautiful Washington State in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys the quiet lifestyle with her husband, two teenage kids and several dogs. Having been a firefighter/EMT and working in the medical field for many years, she now teaches CPR and concentrates on family, photography and writing young adult novels. What inspires you to write? I have wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. As a child, I tapped out my first … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Tara Ellis
Latin Heat Trilogy by Diane Escalera
The complete Latin Heat Trilogy in one sizzling edition. Get ready to fall in love! Targeted Age Group:: 21 & Over STILL HOT FOR YOU Take a peek into the marriage of Dylan and Shay LaCosta. Theirs is a hot and steamy union, with an even hotter couple. Just like in real life, relationships have problems. But when two people are meant to be, they fight with each other, and they fight for each other. THE RIGHT TEMPTATION Last thing Nico LaCosta needs is a broken arm. Worse, now his … [Read more...] about Latin Heat Trilogy by Diane Escalera
Bargain Book: Bloodline by Tara Ellis
This book is bargain priced from 09/20/2014 until 10/04/2014 Sixteen-year-old Alex has always suspected her father’s death wasn’t random, but she never guessed how deep the mystery runs or what it involves. When a rare meteor shower is followed by a highly contagious infection, the people she once knew so well start acting like they have a similar purpose that doesn’t include her. Alex can now only rely on her friend Chris and loyal dog Baxter as she plunges into a strange, new world … [Read more...] about Bargain Book: Bloodline by Tara Ellis