The Curious Prophecy of Birds Synopsis Six months ago Robbie, an experienced climber falls to his death on a remote climb. His climbing partner, Kate Simmonds, tries to drag his body back to civilisation but finally has to leave him to the vultures. Eighteen years ago A young mountaineer cuts the rope of a fallen colleague, sending him to certain death over the edge of a crevasse. Twenty years ago A university professor discovers sinister symbols engraved into the rocks on a remote … [Read more...] about The Curious Prophecy of Birds by Amanda Darcy @darcyphotos
The Outback by David Clarkson @davidclarksonwriter
When Matt joins the outback harvest trail he is filled with apprehension. Is it really worth doing three months of back breaking work in exchange for another year added to his visa? His new friends certainly think so and it is not long before they convince him of the same. Of course, none of them are counting on their new boss. Rhett is cold, callous and delights in watching others suffer. Convinced that the old man is hiding a criminal past, the backpackers begin to do a little digging. … [Read more...] about The Outback by David Clarkson @davidclarksonwriter