About Tantra Bensko: Tantra Bensko teaches fiction writing at UCLA Extension Writing Program, Writers.com, Writers College, and Tantra Bensko's Online Writing Academy. She has an MA in English from FSU and obtained her MFA from the Iowa Writers Workshop. She lives in Berkeley. She blogs about social engineering and her Agents of the Nevermind series is about the heroism of recognizing, resisting, and exposing social engineering. What inspires you to write? Sometimes it's a person, or news … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Tantra Bensko
Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies by Marilyn Peake
Ebola, one of the most feared of the hemorrhagic diseases, has begun spreading across the borders of West African countries. The CDC and the World Health Organization have admitted they are losing control over the disease. Some hint at a possible worldwide pandemic. At exactly this point in time, Emma Johnson graduates from nursing school. She takes a job in an Ebola treatment camp inside Liberia, West Africa. The camp is state-of-the-art. It's run by the CDC and the World Health … [Read more...] about Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies by Marilyn Peake
Interview with Author – Marilyn Peake
About Marilyn Peake: Marilyn Peake is the author of both novels and short stories. Her publications have received excellent reviews. Marilyn’s one of the contributing authors in BOOK: THE SEQUEL, published by The Perseus Books Group, with one of her entries included in serialization at THE DAILY BEAST. In addition, Marilyn has served as Editor of a number of anthologies. Her short stories have been published in seven anthologies and on the literary blog, GLASS CASES. AWARDS: Silver Award, … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Marilyn Peake