In this book, I introduce to you the complete concept of mindfulness, not just as a meditation technique but also as a life philosophy. This book will help you understand what mindfulness is all about and how to apply it in every aspect of your life.
Targeted Age Group:: Adult
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Because I am an avid learner, especially when it comes to health and self-help topics. So naturally it has been my lifelong passion to learn and grow in my experiences.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
It is my goal to help inspire and create change within your life. I enjoy writing books on health and self-help topics as well as a sampling of other subjects that I am passionate about.
About the Author:
Hi, my name is Sara Elliott Price. It is my goal to help inspire and create change within your life. I enjoy writing books on health and self-help topics as well as a sampling of other subjects that I am passionate about.
Links to Purchase eBooks
Link To Buy Mindfulness: How to Find Peace and Happiness Living in the Present Moment On Amazon