If you want to learn how yoga can boost health + longevity, reduce stress + anxiety, and transform you into a calm + cool person… you need to read this book ASAP!
Author, health coach, and Tennessee yoga teacher Daniel Wallen wants to show you how to start a yoga practice at your own unique pace. Don’t let your mind make yoga sound hard. You don’t even have to own a yoga mat. Read “Do Yoga Every Damn Day” and discover:
5 Surprising Benefits of Doing Yoga
6 Yoga Philosophies That Changed Me
7 Things Mindful People Do Differently
12 Things You Need to Know about Yoga
How Yoga Taught Me to Be More Positive
How to Calm Down in Less Than a Minute
What Stress and Zombies Have in Common
Daniel Wallen writes in a warm and inviting tone busy people can relate to. An Amazon reviewer observed: “Daniel has a way of making you feel like you’re in a coffee shop having a conversation with a friend, and his content just makes sense. His insightful humor and easy to implement techniques really make you think… “I can do this!”
“Do Yoga Every Damn Day” provides everything you need to learn how to do yoga at home. Please note this book is meant for beginners who think yoga sounds neat, but aren’t 100% sure how to start. Advanced yogis and yoginis would be better served elsewhere. Disclosure out of the way, Daniel also includes resources for readers who wish to deepen their yoga practice. Don’t delay. Get your copy today (free Black Friday 11/27).
Targeted Age Group:: 18-65
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I began a yoga teacher training program during the winter of 2014. I practiced yoga on-and-off during the decade before. Originally, I came to yoga to improve my coordination. I am a bit clumsy. Later, I realized yoga is much more than a physical exercise. It is a deep philosophy that can change your life in profound ways. For example, I used to have anger management issues. One time, an article of mine got plagiarized, and I threw a temper tantrum on Twitter. It wasn’t a brief episode either. I ranted and raved about the problem for over a week. Talk about embarrassing. Yoga taught me to be mindful of my breath, which helps me respond to stressful situations in a productive way. This is why I want the world to know about yoga. Will you help me spread the word?
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Book Sample
Chapter 2: What Stress and Zombies Have in Common
“To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
Here’s a quote from Marc David, who is one of my biggest mentors in the entire Universe:
“The most toxic chemicals over the course of a lifetime in amount and frequency are the ones we self-produce in the form of stress response.”
Stress is a form of self-inflicted misery. It stirs up pointless arguments with friends, family, partners, and/or co-workers. It steals your ability to appreciate the present moment.
Stress exists for evolutionary reasons. If you saw a zombie under your bed, the fight or flight response would engage (and then you’d run away, because who wants to be eaten alive?).
The zombie apocalypse isn’t upon us yet, but the fight or flight response doesn’t give a hoot.
Stress detectors search for threats all day and night. It’s like having a Spidey sense, except less helpful.
Imagine something stressful. Here’s an example. Sleeping through your alarm and being late for work.
You might worry about how your boss will get mad and fire you during the drive. That is a story you made up inside your head. Sure. It may or may not happen. But you don’t know. Simmer down.
Old purpose of the stress response? Save your butt from an early exit. New purpose? Drive you insane.
Your brain can’t differentiate between actual threats and everyday stress, so your fight or flight response is active 24/7. This is why you’re always worrying about work, money, or the hidden meaning of a passive aggressive status update. Fortunately, there’s a powerful antidote. Best part? It costs $0.
What is this miracle drug? Trick question. It’s not a pill or potion. I’ll reveal the truth in chapter three.
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