Amelia was gifted: she could open ‘windows’ – enormous cracks in time and space. But just like with any treasure, she knew she had to be careful with her gift…
Targeted Age Group:: 16+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
A dream. It was so bright and vivid that I couldn’t but write. I hope (although I don’t yet think) that I could create the same atmosphere I saw in this dream…
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
One is inspired by historical events; another was created on the go.
Book Sample
“Everybody knew how to open the windows now. Nothing fantastic or magical was left about them. Windows became trivial. Now, even a toddler could open an enormous, panoramic crack in time and space.
Amelia didn’t like the new world. When she was young, nobody would mess about with the windows. To push aside the particles of space, opening a glimpse of the past or another world, one had to practice for years. Or be born talented.
Amelia was exactly like that. ”
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