This book guides the reader through Jennifer Boyatt’s life journey. Following the examples from the author’s life offers the reader a paradigm and decision-making template for their own healing journey.
Targeted Age Group:: 16-99
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
It was time to write about what I have come through in my life and how I have overcome massive adversity, among other things: rage, fatigue, physical and emotional pain, depression, anxiety, poverty, fear, low self-esteem, widowhood, and family of suicide.
Book Sample
“I made the decision to wake up every morning to a fresh start even if I didn’t get very far. Each day, I knew I could count on myself to fail at some point. As well, pain and dysfunction were my dominant experience in life. The pain wasn’t going to go away.
“When I was younger, getting hurt or being sick meant that you didn’t have to do anything. It meant that you could get back in bed and your mom would take care of you. In my adult life, after a while I realized that no one was coming to take care of me. I realized that if I got back into bed based on the level of my pain and illness, that I would be there forever. So I had to find a way to be alive and active during my pain.
“Thinking about the whole day was overwhelming to me. My mind overloaded thinking about housekeeping tasks, finding food and basic needs for my family (knowing we probably wouldn’t have what we needed), responsibilities of motherhood, unpaid bills, as well as my desires for creating something significant in life. Because it was so big to think about, I stopped before I started. Plus, it just hurt so much. How was someone who hurt so much supposed to move in all the ways I needed to move and function?
“Eventually, I made a decision. I accepted that I could not do “everything”. But I decided to do what was next. I stopped thinking farther than that. If I was in a fog of depression that day (which was most days) and wondering if could get my body to move through several tasks, I stopped thinking about several tasks and I only thought of one. If I was terrified of handling a situation out in the world (involving talking to people, among other things), I stopped thinking about everything involved and focused on the next thing I could do. I broke down the next thing into the smallest piece I needed to be able to act. Sometimes the next thing was just to stand up. If I needed to make a phone call that was overwhelming, sometimes the next thing was to touch the phone and leave my hand there until I could lift.”
from Decision 6
About the Author:
Jennifer Boyatt is a mom, healer, teacher, student, author, peace worker, public speaker, and life coach. She is the creator of the How to Move the Universe journey. Jennifer’s healing approach helps men and women to experience relief from fatigue, pain, depression, anxiety, isolation and many other life challenges. Jennifer’s goal is to help you recover your choices, your body, and your life. How to Move the Universe and Jennifer’s healing model(s) are based on her own lifetime of overcoming great challenges.
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Link To Buy Thus Far: 14 Decisions That Allowed Me To Heal From Weakness and Despair On Amazon
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