At 17, Layla Weston is already starting over. Having lost both her parents and grandparents, and with nowhere else to go, Layla is moving from Florida to a small town in North Carolina to live with the only family she has left: her estranged uncle and aunt.
The last five years of Layla’s life were spent appeasing her lessthan-loving grandmother, followed by being her grandfather’s caretaker. Growing old before her time, Layla lost her identity. Now she must learn how to allow herself to be the one cared for and loved.
Life takes an unexpected turn when Layla meets Will Meyer. His breathtaking good looks are enough to catch her eye, but his sincerity and passion are everything she needs to find the strength and confidence she lost — and lead her into love.
When tragedy once again strikes Layla’s life, her hope is all but completely crushed. Through it all, Layla learns what it means to truly love and be loved.
Targeted Age Group:
Paranormal YA/romance is a hot genre right now. I write YA fiction romance/suspense. I think my genre may actually be a little harder to write because there are rules that I have to adhere to since my stories are based in reality…as in, I’m not creating a new world of paranormal characters where I can design the world and create the rules because it’s MY world.
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
WRITE! Just write! If you’ve got a story brewing in you, write it! Don’t worry about all the details of how to get yourself published. If you don’t have a full manuscript, no one is going to publish you, and you won’t be able to publish yourself yet anyway.
So write and then let it sit for a little while. Walk away and then come back to it and see if you still like it. Then have some people whom you REALLY trust read it and tell you if the think it’s any good. But be specific in the feedback you want. Do you want to know what they think about the story line, characters, and writing itself? Or do you want them to read it to check for grammatical errors?
Have fun! Writing is a wonderful journey that lets you dive into the deepest places of yourself. Letting that loose is an amazing feeling!
Author Bio:
The Lake Trilogy is the first YA fiction series for AnnaLisa Grant. AnnaLisa grew up in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She earned her Masters degree in Counseling from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2008. AnnaLisa lives in Matthews, NC with her husband and two children.
My father was in a near fatal car accident about 5 months prior to my starting to write THE LAKE. I was consumed with thoughts of how terrible it would have been to lose him. Those thoughts evolved into realizing how terrible it would be for a child to lose her parents so tragically, and the story just evolved from there.
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