In a world ruled by lethal Slavic immortals, Rose and her pack of Black werewolves are drawn into the beginning of a war as they try to uncover the being behind the mass murder of White werewolves.
Because the nature of the killings obstructs the normal passage of souls, Veles, the sultry lord of the underworld, offers Rose his assistance; the were is left facing not only the new knowledge of the pack’s hidden lineage but also her growing fondness for the arrogant god…
To win the war, the pack must ascend to The Dark Ones. But to do so, they must be willing to risk being on the receiving end of the immortal community’s wrath.
Targeted Age Group:: 16+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Honestly, it was my admiration for Slavic mythology. We have so many interesting myths and stories, but I haven’t seen many of those used in urban fantasy. Besides, I have always wished for more bisexual protagonists in literature, so I came up with Rose.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Rose was the first character I had designed; she just sort of popped up in my mind, and I worked from there, slowly developing the rest. The rest came to me as I began to write; only the German twins, Jens and Jürgen were in my head even before I began writing the novel. They came into existence while I watched a football game with my husband, and for every goal the Germans scored, he named one of our “kids”. The twins were my favorite from the bunch, so I decided to use them in The Dark Ones.
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