In the ancient and mystical land of Splendania, the most marvellous and dangerous magical creatures roam the lands and skies. The beautiful and valiant Princess Vanadae must find a way to protect her beloved Golden Unicorn from the most dangerous creatures of them all — the people of Splendania themselves. All of whom are completely hellbent on capturing and killing magical creatures, the Golden Unicorn most of all.
Vanadae must find and protect the majestic Golden Unicorn before Magnus the Mighty, her father and the High-King of Splendania becomes the first to slay this wondrous creature and ensure his rule over the three realms; Theos, Valastry and Ovamthia.
Will the Golden Wish, granted once in a lifetime to the members of the royal family, cause the malevolent Witch of the Woods to come out of hiding and continue her vengeance against the royal families of Splendania? Will the courage of Vanadae’s brother, Prince Galderon, protect her from the dangers in the Spellbound Woods and set them on a path to fulfil their destinies?
Targeted Age Group:: 7+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My girlfriend asked me to tell her a bedtime story to help her sleep, and before I knew it, I had spontaneously created the world of Splendania and its characters. I had far too much to say for one night, and therefore began writing it down and continued until it was a fully-fledged book. It is the first of three, and if you love fantasy, magical creatures, swords and places then it's the perfect book for you.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
I based my book characters on myself and my family members. The main character, Princess Vanadae, is loosely based on my Niece and the High-King, Magnus the Mighty and his son, Prince Galderon, both share similarities with myself. My girlfriend inspired the character Queen Katarina the Paladin.
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