About Stuart Gustafson: Stuart Gustafson took early retirement from high-tech in 2007 so he could spend more time traveling, time with his Mom (then aged 90), and time writing. In all he has written fifteen books, including four full-length novels. He's also had a series of non-fiction relationship books (three of them) nationally published. Some of the stories from his very first book "Parables for Life in the 21st Century" have been adapted for use in elementary text and … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Stuart Gustafson
The Surge by Willow Rose
The Surge by Willow Rose "We knew they were coming one day, we just never imagined anything like…this." Imagine being invaded by the Chinese and they want something only you have. However, giving it to them would mean the death of someone you love. What would you do? When The Chinese arrive in Ridge Manor, Florida; Sheriff Wayne is the only one who knows they are coming. He tried to warn the rest of the town, but no one would listen, and now it is too late. Joanna Marks has just come back … [Read more...] about The Surge by Willow Rose