Backyard Homestead is The Ultimate Survival Guide. With all the continual bad news coming at you everyday, it's easy to see why you MUST be prepared. From economic crisis to eminent downfall of many governments, your going to need a plan. We have the plan. Backyard homesteading saves the day. Look when the world goes to pot, you'll be able to feed your family. Learn how to feed you, your family, heck, even your neighbors. Download this indispensable guide and be prepared for free … [Read more...] about The Backyard Homestead Survivalist Super Set: FREEDOM! Amazing Beginners Guide To Backyard Homesteading, Saving You and Your Family Time and Money When You’ll Need it Most by James Givens
Organic Gardening: 7 Easy Steps to Freedom, Fun, and Fantastic Health By Growing Your Own Organic Food by James Givens
A survivalist handbook for the ages! Governments are corrupt, banks are defaulting, wars are beginning everywhere. This is why you MUST arm yourself. No not with guns but with knowledge. Knowledge coupled with massive right action will give you ultimate freedom. Yes, freedom from big companies, banks and government trying to take advantage of you. You, your family and friends can benefit from your new found knowledge when you discover the secrets held within the digital pages of this amazing new … [Read more...] about Organic Gardening: 7 Easy Steps to Freedom, Fun, and Fantastic Health By Growing Your Own Organic Food by James Givens
Square Foot Gardening: Have the Ultimate Garden of Your Dreams While Saving Space, Time and Money by James Givens
Square Foot Gardening Secrets Revealed! This amazing new book by James Givens contains proven steps and strategies on how to get more gardening done, with less stress and space guaranteed! Many people do not realize that you don't actually need a lot of space available to produce fantastic tasting fruit and veggies! This beginner's guide explains some of the many ways that you can utilize any space that you may have, and equip you with the knowledge you need to grow well guaranteed! Targeted … [Read more...] about Square Foot Gardening: Have the Ultimate Garden of Your Dreams While Saving Space, Time and Money by James Givens
Backyard Chickens: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Raising Chickens, Selecting Chicken Coops, And Excellent Chicken Care, Giving You A Natural, Round-The-Clock Egg Factory by James Givens
If you've ever wanted to be more connected to the earth, and not pay more and not be tethered by big business and didn't know where to start, you've came to the right place. 'Backyard Chickens' will show you how you move from getting your eggs at the local grocer to having organic, cage free eggs before you know it. Finally have freedom! Targeted Age Group:: 25 above … [Read more...] about Backyard Chickens: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Raising Chickens, Selecting Chicken Coops, And Excellent Chicken Care, Giving You A Natural, Round-The-Clock Egg Factory by James Givens