A collection of illustrated whimsical poetry resulting from ruminations during 36 years of fatherhood and patient encounters in medical practice. Intended for older children and children-at-heart, the topics span biology, zoology, medicine, mental health and social commentary, seasoned with a generous dose of humor.
Targeted Age Group:: 13 and up
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
These pieces accumulated over the past 36 years and needed to be rounded up into this single volume or scattered to the wind. They were too relevant to important people and events to scatter.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
While the characters who have inspired most of my curiosity have been my own wife and kids, one also meets a whole crowd of interesting people in medical practice. Medicine affords one endless privileged glimpses of personal lives reliably dotted with moments of humor and – yes – tragedy.
Book Sample
You Are What You Eat
If you are what you eat
And it's greasy and sweet
Do you turn into sugar and fat?
Because I must say
I ate taffy today
And I'd rather not turn into that!
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