Investigative journalist Lobo Bolen is catapulted into a deadly dystopian battle of wits with rogue technocrats controlling the world, country by country, system by system. Finally, poised to win, she is forced to confront the ultimate question – is she real, or is she something else in the technocrats’ realities within realities? Either way, her options and time are running out.
Targeted Age Group:: 16+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Our world is growing more dangerous by the day, and the risks of dystopian control are higher than most people realise. Control and wealth are being concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. This is the foundation of RUNNING OUT, though the story twists and turns to a climax that neither the main character nor readers can guess.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Lobo Bolen, the main character, is an old friend. Or I should say 'old friends' because she is a composite of journalists from my decades as a London journalist. It helps in the writing to have a very strong link with the main character – I felt such a strong link with her that I gave her some of my own career history and made myself her (fictional) publisher 🙂
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