Journey on Angel Wings tells the true story of Alex Heaton, a retired US Army officer who loved his wife beyond words. After her passing, Angel Wings appeared on his house (actual picture on book cover). Consumed by grief he set out on a quest to reconnect with her on the other side. His journey is marked by strange and inexplicable events, challenging his previously held beliefs and opening his heart to new possibilities.
“Journey on Angel Wings” is not just a book about loss; it’s a testament to the enduring power of love and the human spirit’s resilience. It’s a guide for anyone who has lost a loved one and is searching for comfort and answers. Alex’s story offers hope that even in the darkest of times, there is light and connection waiting to be discovered.
Targeted Age Group:: 30-90
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Alex Heaton, a retired US Army officer, loved his wife beyond words. When she passed away, his life changed profoundly. In his quest to reconnect with her on the other side, he encountered beliefs and experiences that challenged both his Catholic upbringing and his military background. . Despite earning degrees from the University of Maryland (BS) and Syracuse University (MBA), nothing had prepared him for the discoveries he would make. Through this journey, he came to realize that when deeply explored, faith can be grounded in facts about our true nature and what lies beyond this life.
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