A collection of poetry, diary entries, quotes, and pictures. It Gets Better B*tch is an honest depiction of the hardships that come with mental health issues and being a young person today, capturing the dark and untouched side of mental health that has been kept quiet. However, with humor and an optimistic ending, lightness still prevails. This book is raw, honest, and doesn’t hold back when most would, aiming to make those who struggle to feel less alone.
Targeted Age Group:: 16+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Gracie is the author of the Giving Up on Giving Up series. During her younger teenage years, she discovered emotional pain to be an incredible inspiration for art and poetry–and she has been using that to not only cope with her own mental health issues, but also to help others who struggle. Her poems, quotes, drawings, and prose take many on a roller coaster of downfalls and recovery. She hopes to inspire others and reinforce the fact that you are not alone.
Book Sample
Empathetic Hostility
She would overwater the cactus
but she made up for it by moving it to the window where the sun was the brightest
however as winter came sooner
and the sun vanished with the leaves
the little cactus drowned
because she never knew when to stop giving
her empathetic hostility
had an endless ability
of being a liability
drowning things to death
now she has to hold her breath
in fear that those who are dear
will eventually steer into a river
suffocating through generosity
because she was too much of a giver
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