About Lilian Nickson:
Lilian is a medical Lab. Technologist and a writer. Her fields of practice have opened her desire to better understand, connect, and serve others with dignity and compassion. A believe that “happiness is found in one self if you seek it for others” has been Lilian’s strong motivation. Her inspiration; -astonishing things occur when you serve others with joy and make them feel that they are never alone on this travel!
What inspires you to write?
I write mostly to inspire and encourage people to embrace the core values of living great lifestyles which embrace purpose, courage, responsibility, humility, respect, honesty and strength. While each of my book encompass different themes, I’m hopeful that the information will touch people and give the reader a message that will change or impact their life.
Tell us about your writing process.
Most of my writing which include article writing, research paper or non fiction books involve an intense research and comparison of facts whereby I write notes on my findings before my final writing.
For nonfiction work, I do “seat and write” without notes. But for both fiction or nonfiction, I make sure that what I write points to a certain theme or a main message to the reader.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
When I first began to write, I communicated with a few authors on social media, mostly Facebook and they generously send me good information on how to self publish. I was encouraged by their generosity and their great advice and their success.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think publishing ebooks will be more promising or will give authors more success than prints.
What genres do you write?: Children fiction, health nonfiction, Religious fiction and nonfiction.
What formats are your books in?: eBook, Print
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All information in this post is presented “as is” supplied by the author. We don’t edit, to allow you, the reader, to hear the author in their own voice.