About BJ Wane:
I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs. I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now much prefer being homebody. I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking. My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic spanking romance with a touch of suspense. My favorite genre to read is suspense.
What inspires you to write?
Writing has turned out to be the perfect, part-time job and hobby for me since I am unable to work outside the home due to physical limitations. I enjoy keeping my mind sharp by putting together plots with characters and adding twists to my stories that I haven't read elsewhere.
Tell us about your writing process.
Usually a plot starts with the answer to a simple 'what if'. Then I bounce ideas off my husband, who has an even more vivid imagination than me and is also a big reader. If the story takes off in my mind, I write an outline, but if it's slow to develop, I wing it in the beginning and just start to write. Character's flaws and habits, those things that set them apart, come out as I write.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
Just to curse them when they are being stubborn or veering off my outline!
What advice would you give other writers?
I have been published for ten years and wrote several short stories and magazine articles before that. After taking a home writing class, I was told I wasn't publishable. My best advice, don't give up. It's hard work, sometimes tedious, oftentimes frustrating, but rewarding when you finally see your work in print.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
My first book I submitted to the only publisher I was aware of at the time who published spanking erotica. They were very good to me and when they closed their doors two years ago, it was hard to start over. In hindsight, that was the best thing to happen to my career. Since I had already made the switch from erotica to erotic romance, several author friends steered me to my current publishers, Blushing Books and Stormy Night Publications, and I've been thrilled with the following I've amassed. The best advice I can give others is to take your time to research publishers of your genre and visit with their authors for feedback before submitting.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
Honestly, with over 1,000 books a month now saturating the market, I think the future looks bleak for both publisher's and authors. Too many people are publishing poorly written books to make a quick profit, which draws away from well-written books that would pass strict criteria for both content, writing skills and editing. I don't care to read e-books, yet it is getting harder and harder to find paperbacks written by my favorite authors.
What do you use?: Beta Readers
What genres do you write?: erotic romance and erotic romantic suspense
What formats are your books in?: Both eBook and Print, Audiobook
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All information in this post is presented “as is” supplied by the author. We don’t edit to allow you the reader to hear the author in their own voice.