This book is bargain priced from 04/06/2014 until 12/31/2020
After the Zompoc a group of survivors joins ranks in Lower Manhattan. A motley crew of neighbors in a luxury high rise at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge now need to think about what comes next and whether to stay or go. Luckily there is plenty of weed, plenty of guns, and enough sharp metal objects to keep the Zombies at bay.
If they can just stop arguing long enough to pass the bowl, they might just make it through alive. Along the way, the group expands as they encounter new people, new places, and new ideas.
A reminder – anyone and anything is fair game for us to poke fun at. Absolutely nothing is sacred! So sit back, do whatever works for you to free your mind and don’t take this too seriously. It’s mental masturbation… not the end of the weed, uh, world ;).
Targeted Age Group: 18-70
Book Price: 2.99
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Author Bio:
Professor B.T. Mienoré has been the writing partner, encourager, and cohort of C. Che Bhalin for many moons. The Prof is the yin to C. Che’s yang. While C. Che creates, the Professor provides structure, editing, and more detailed explanations while making sure the bowl is full and ready ;). The Prof deals with all of Zombie Killing Stoners’ PR, social media, and blogging.
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Link To Buy Zombie Killing Stoners, Episode 2: The Coming Storm
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