People have always loved to construct monuments, no matter how big, expensive, or dangerous. The oldest monuments on the planet are the most recognizable and were made to last. Emperors, kings, and men of great vision in control of thousands of laborers not to mention startling amounts of money spent years building these impressive landmarks. In this book, readers will find out why these monuments were built and the reasons had a close relationship to the time period. In every chapter there are ‘fun fact’ sections, which give compelling details about key historical figures and events that relate to each monument.
Targeted Age Group:: 9-12 years
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I had the pleasure of visiting several of the monuments described in my book, and wanted to pass this knowledge to a younger generation. Visiting other countries, and learning about the history of those countries, is important because we step outside of our own routines which can be very limiting. Some of the greatest lessons to be learned about our world aren’t taught in classrooms anymore. Seeing and learning all this history has enriched me and I hope it has the same effect on those who read the book.
Book Sample
Pachacuti was the Inca ruler who was thought to have built Machu Picchu sometime around 1440. Historians think it was a location his people used to practice their religious beliefs. They worshipped gods of thunder, lightning, and water. Machu Picchu was constructed with stones and no two pieces were exactly alike. Using simple tools to cut and shape the stones, the Incas fitted it all together like a jigsaw puzzle and they didn’t use cement.
About the Author:
I’m somewhat introverted and writing is my preferred method of expression. I think most writers are introverted so I seem to be in great company. I was born and raised in Canada but have visited numerous countries, and hope to visit many more even though travelling has become a lot more expensive and difficult in the past decade. My greatest challenge as a writer was to silence my inner critic and now this task is becoming less arduous. Maybe it’s because I have published my first book and self-doubt has been replaced with confidence and enthusiasm.
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Link To Buy Why Were They Built? Six Man-Made Wonders of the World On Amazon
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