The future isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In this eclectic short story anthology, every wonder comes with a price. A grizzled detective struggles to uncover an ancient society that fights in the shadows. A seasoned diplomat embarks on a desperate, physics-defying mission to stop a war with a lost world. An ordinary woman discovers that the best superpower might be having none at all. And in the novella “Modern Philosophy” a curmudgeonly philosopher stumbles into an adventure that stretches from the dark corners of his subconscious to dimensions beyond imagination. The Wandering World collects ten stories rife with intrigue, humour, and insight.
Targeted Age Group:: Young Adult to Adult
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
Science fiction and fantasy have played a lot in my mind over the years. However, I think it was working in the video game industry, experiencing the marvels of what can be created from the imagination and the immersive potential that flows alongside it that provided me with the inspiration to sit down and write this book. I was very lucky to have a good friend and fellow author, Ian Morgenheim, along for the journey.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The characters came about based on the needs of the story and how they were to end. Because these are short to novella length stories it was always important to find the right approach and craft the character around that. Of course, some inspiration came from reading about science articles relevant to the stories in question.
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