A malfunctioning bunker shields its resident from violent monsters, a secluded town braces itself against a terrifying tradition, and humble farming folk fall sick with a mysterious fever. This collection of eight tales is a wander through unsettling and suspenseful landscapes each cursed with their own unique horrors.
Targeted Age Group:: 25 – 45
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I love the strange places, unsettling atmospheres and creepy feelings of the world. I'm a big fan of horror and high strangeness. I'm inspired by Shirley Jackson and Robert Aickman, League of Gentlemen and Black Mirror.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Each character or set of characters came about after the world they live in had been created in my head, and I had decided what type of person might be resilient in that world. I chose a range of different characters for each story.
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