What inspired you to write your book?
The deep bond that i had with my cat was broken when he died. I wanted to fill the void by writing about my life with him. it was therapeutic to do so.
About your Book:
Written from the heart, this memoir traces sixteen wonderful years spent with a special little cat called Mozart. I talk about the highs and lows including when he was shot and almost died, to a time when I almost gave him away, through to the last few years together when the bond between us was so strong it was almost spiritual. This memoir with 25 photos, will have an emotional impact on all animal lovers. There were tears in my eyes when I wrote about the last week with my best little friend. My little cat enriched my life and gave it meaning. He taught me how to appreciate every day and that life is a wonderful gift to cherish.
Most angels have wings but I know one who has whiskers!
Book Genre: Memoir/love story
What formats are your books in
Both eBook and Print
How do you see writing a book in the Pet Genre as different from writing other genres of books?
It needs to appeal to both children and adults, male and female.
Advice to someone that is thinking about or currently working on a pet book
Be honest with the content. Personal experience with an animal is crucial, as it adds to the authenticity of the book. Don’t be condescending to your reader. I found writing my two books on Mozart, I wanted to express the joy I felt in his company. This was helped with the photos i included in both books (the other book is titled THE MOST BEAUTIFULIST PUSSYCAT IN THE WORLD and was written when Mozart was in the peak of health). Don’t hold back expressing your true feelings.
How did you decide how to publish your book and where is it published through:
I had always planned to self publish and chose Amazon as i already had 15 books on sale through them.
Author Bio:
I’ve been writing for 17 years and have had a #1 Best Selling Book on Amazon (a travel book on Auckland) My stories, features and articles have been published in magazines, books and newspapers in 7 countries. I’ve written 17 screenplays including collaborations with film companies in Shanghai and Abu Dhabi. I write in a number of genres as this, i feel. keeps my mind ticking.
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