It’s an easy mistake to make – instead of whistling and calling for her dog, fifteen year old Frankie accidentally summons a griffin and his rider from an alternate universe. The Rider is tall, blond and extremely rude. On the other hand, Balkind is the sweetest, most lovable griffin Frankie’s ever met, and she’s determined to help them find a way back to their own world.
In doing so, she becomes aware that she has the power to transform her own family’s tragic circumstances: After a freak accident, Frankie’s brother fell into a coma, leaving the bewildered youngster feeling alienated from her family and friends. With the mysterious Rider’s help, Frankie summons the courage to venture from her self imposed emotional prison and resolves to bring her brother home.
Dealing with parallel universes, disgruntled warriors, and hungry griffins is the easier part of Frankie’s life. At school, Frankie learns friends can become enemies, teachers aren’t always right, and the boy of your dreams can be all too human. Told in approximately 53,000 words, suitable for young adults, and all those who’ve ever dreamed of riding a griffin.
Targeted Age Group:
13 – 83 – apparently most YA readers are not young adults!
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Read, read, read. Write, write, write. Find a critique group/partner who are/is sympathetic to your work. You should never dismiss suggestions out of hand, but be aware that there are some who find some kind of ego boost by criticizing others. Find a happy medium. Use your own judgement, and write from the heart. Offer to critique & beta read other writers’ work. Find a way to critique sympathetically, and suggest improvements. Be the best you can be.
Author Bio:
Londoner, Mother, Rider, Walker, Cyclist, Swimmer. Author of The Celtic Cousins’ Adventures, The Griffin Cryer and The Griffin’s Boy.
First of all, I’ve always liked griffins – I’m a Londoner, and they’re the guardians of London. On a more serious note, I wanted to explore the way in which we sometimes sleepwalk our way into our prisons. All three main characters are imprisoned, either physically, emotionally, or in the case of Michael, Frankie’s brother, due to an ill fated accident. With the help of other people, we can summon the courage to open the door of our own jail.
Frankie’s a very ordinary girl, who discovers she has extra-ordinary qualities. I believe that’s true of all of us, it’s just a question of finding your talent, and nurturing it.
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