“The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock is a mesmerizing journey into the mystical and unexplained. Authentic, heartfelt, and truly extraordinary.”
My fourth book, The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock, is a collection of mind-blowing true tales of the supernatural. My new book examines not just newer experiences but it revisits some of the incredible events that I wrote about in my first two books—Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the dead, and A Knock in the Attic—with relevant updates to those narratives: such as the night that my precious and beloved deceased cat, Gizmo, came back in the flesh to visit me yet once again, proving that there is a powerful spiritual continuum in our lives that endures and provides additional truths and reassurances that our souls live on.
I write about never before told occurrences such as the time when my psychic powers fried a bus; the hair-raising supernatural event that happened to me when I was just a boy, running my paper route on my bicycle…in the dark; the magic rocks I’ve found over the years that changed in apparent weight and size and appearance; strange teleportations of objects from one sealed box to another after we had moved; an incredible story of the Devil himself dancing with several women in a West Texas nightclub during Cinco de Mayo; guidance from the Other Side that enabled me to save the life of a young child; and…the bizarre story of a snake that saved me and my buddies from a beatdown!
Sometimes my paranormal experiences are teaching moments that are subtle; memorable; and occasionally, heartrending, including life lessons that I’ve learned while observing nature, animals, and people. In some of my essays written in a style reminiscent of Robert Fulghum you’ll discover the spiritual lessons I learned from watching ducks in the river, a moth stuck in dewy grass, and a sacred moment I experienced with—of all things—a taco.
And then, there’s those pesky UFOs! Read about my own up close and personal encounters with these strange craft and my subsequent observations that have led me to draw distinct conclusions about their behaviors.
Targeted Age Group:: 18+
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
My inspiration for this book in particular stems from my overwhelmingly positive experiences with the paranormal realm. The spiritual guidance I've received over the years has taught me much, and it's my privilege to pass these life lessons on to my readers.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
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