This Award Winning Novel takes you to 1945, where, struggling for survival in a doomed Corsair fighter plane in the skies over the Pacific Ocean, World War II Marine pilot David Hamilton’s life suddenly and mysteriously takes an ominous turn, forcing him to seek answers as he finds himself lost and alone in a different time, place, and perhaps, even existence. With no choice but to enlist the help of two young strangers, he embarks on a desperate cross-country journey in a 1941 Ford Coupe that … [Read more...] about A Week and a Day by Hal Adkins
White Jade by Alex Lukeman
White Jade by Alex Lukeman WHITE JADE spins a web of deceit and murder across the globe against the backdrop of a deadly international power game. Former Recon Marine Nick Carter is a man with a dark history of emotional and physical scars. He works for the PROJECT, a covert counter-terrorism unit reporting to the President. Selena Connor is a beautiful, strong and skilled linguist. When her wealthy uncle is murdered by someone looking for an ancient book about the elixir of immortality, … [Read more...] about White Jade by Alex Lukeman
White Jade by Alex Lukeman
White Jade by Alex Lukeman White Jade spins a web of deceit and murder across the globe, against the backdrop of a deadly international power game. Former Recon Marine Nick Carter is a man with a dark history of emotional and physical scars. He works for the PROJECT, a covert counter-terrorism team that reports only to the U.S. President. Selena Connor is a beautiful, strong, skilled linguist. When her wealthy uncle is murdered by someone looking for an ancient book about the elixir of … [Read more...] about White Jade by Alex Lukeman