a href=”https://bookgoodies.com/a/B00RAXNMXC”>In a world full of medicines and sick people who are on these medicines, society needs a new way to heal themselves that is proven effective, inexpensive and that will not cause them any harm in the long term. I discovered this ancient form of healing while studying the healing practices of those in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Sumeria!
These people used the sun to heal themselves and were healthier than we are today AND lived an average of 50 years longer than we do. They were also much happier than we are today.
Sun Gazing is an ancient practice that anyone can do today to drastically improve their health and even gain a bit of clairvoyance and clairaudience! People all over the world are presently reporting miracle healing from major diseases like cancer and arthritis using this miracle knowledge and now you can too!
Targeted Age Group:: 18 to 80
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
What Inspired me to write this book was the miracle stories that I heard over and over again. Stories about major diseases like cancer and arthritis simply going away, and weight problems simply disappearing in less than a year. There is also the stories of the people who stop eating altogether from this practice, and even the fact that medical doctors have tested this and found it to be repeatedly true with the practitioners.
I have even found that I eat only half of what I used to and I am not as hungry as I always used to be!
This really works and so I wanted to teach the world what I had discovered, that has become modernly known as ‘Sun Gazing’.
About the Author:
My name is Bob Finklea and I presently live in Sunny Las Vegas in the United States (yes we have yogi’s in Las Vegas!). I wrote this book because I saw a desperate need to help family members who were suffering from different medical problems. I found out that the ancient peoples used to use this technique of sun gazing to heal themselves and stay healthy, and could live as long as One Hundred and Fifty years using this method.
I am a practicing yogi and enjoy spiritual information and healing methods. I have written other books on various topics but this book is very close to me. I am 48 years old and in good health and got this way using the very technique that I teach in this book. I encourage everyone to read this and learn.- I am certain that this one will be my next bestseller and invite you to be a part of this.
I enjoy yoga, reading, volunteering at food banks to help other people and writing about spiritual and healing methods and I also like to write about technology (I used to work in technology jobs and learned a lot when I did).
I am almost retired now so I plan to write as many books as I can from now on!
Links to Purchase eBooks
Link To Buy SUN GAZING: How Millions Of Ancient People Used The Sun To Heal Themselves And Perform Miracles! On Amazon
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