Here’s what readers of Jeffrey Littorno’s Soul Hostage have been saying:
“It was a quick, gripping, and delightful tale: think Arabian Nights meets Kill
Bill.” – Carolynde1515
“From the very first page, I found myself wound up in the barbed-wire tangle of mixed emotions Littorno uses to ensnare his readers.” – April
“If you like twist and turns, you will enjoy Soul Hostage.” – Arnold1
“I am unsure what genre to attribute this marvelous work. It is definitely a thriller filled with suspense, but it also has horror components. His works are evocative of Stephen King, with overtones of H.P. Lovecraft and a sprinkling of Steinbeck.” – Merry Widow
Think the devil is always easy to recognize?
You are wrong. Evil comes in all shapes and sizes.
Thomas and Joey have known a great deal of trouble in their lives. Robbery, asssault, burglary,and other dark deeds have marked their time together. Through it all, they have been able to count on each another.
But everything starts to change when during a less-than-successful robbery they meet Louis Stoaffer and enter the paranormal world of the occult. After taking him hostage, the roles change as the old man turns the tables on his captors with the promise of a big score.
Stoaffer spins an engaging tale in which betrayal and downfall replace his previous comfortable life with a prison cell. For assisting the old man in getting his revenge upon a scheming wife and treacherous business partner, Thomas and Joey will be rewarded with the means of making their dreams come true.
Always up for any action, Joey readily agrees to Stoaffer’s plan. Thomas, on the other hand, is not so certain about trusting the strange old guy. Eventually, just as he has numerous times in the past, Thomas gives in to Joey’s pressure and agrees to take part in the scheme.
However, as the trio travels south to carry out Stoaffer’s plan, the promised slice of heaven goes south as well. Thomas learns that his instincts were correct, and nothing is as simple as it first appeared. Dreams become nightmares, and the only promise remaining is that of souls facing hell and eternal damnation.
The final question is how far Thomas will go in order to save himself.
Targeted Age Group:
16+ Adult-themed horror fans
I don’t know that my writing necessarily differs greatly from that of others in the horror genre. To tell the truth, I don’t think about it. When I am writing, engaging and entertaining the reader is my primary concern. Other writers probably do something similar.
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Whether or not I am qualified to give any advice is certainly up for debate. All I can offer is what works for me. At this point that is just to keep writing. That means being sure to make time for writing. If I can’t make time to finish a story, I have no business writing.
Author Bio:
Jeffrey Littorno spent many years teaching English in the United States before going abroad to teach. After living in Kuwait, South Korea, Mexico, and Australia, Littorno returned to the United States and set about achieving his dream of writing novels. He now lives in Northern California with his wife GyeYeol and a growing number of cats. When he is not writing, Littorno teaches prison inmates in Folsom, California.
The ghost story Bloom’s Desk is Littorno’s first novel. Soul Hostage, a supernatural thriller, is his second. He is currently working on his next novel An Uncommon Cold, which is a zombie tale.
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?Like everything I write, Soul Hostage is a product of the voices in my head which let me know when a story has to be written.
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