Do You or Someone You Know Suffer From Low Self Esteem or Self Worth Issues? This is a sad fact for the body of Christ, but just because you are a “Christian” does not mean you will not have feelings of inadequacy. The good news is that because you are a Christian you have the tools within you and at your fingertips to overcome these self worth issues. By understanding what self esteem is and how it affects you, you will be able to combat these issues of lowliness and worthlessness through the power of God’s Word. You are created to be more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.
Targeted Age Group:: 11-older adults
How is Writing In Your Genre Different from Others?
Self Esteem is not really taught from a spiritual stand point, but I believe the Bible has a lot to say about the subject.
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Stay focused, never give up. Everything is a process. Have faith and watch how things will begin to blossom.
Author Bio:
I am a stay at home mother to 3 wonderful children. I am a blogger for the site Anew Self Esteem 4 I a new author for the book Self Esteem Bible Scriptures, Building Your Self Esteem and Self Worth Through God’s Word.
I suffered with low self esteem at a young age, and since I did not know how to deal with these issues it had caused me to make some unhealthy decisions in relationships by choosing the wrong mate, education because to scared to reach my potential by doing what others though I should do. These are just a few. As I began to grow and understand God’s word in my life I began to mature and take life by horns and start living the life I am supposed to live.
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