Roderick Roach is an eleven-year-old boy who attends Wentworth Academy, an exclusive school for children with super-powers that is hidden from the public in a remote mountain range. Roderick has the power of invisibility, and is friends with Ezra Stone, a popular boy who can manipulate blue fire. Rod feels shadowed by his famous friend, especially after he saves the school from a terrible menace. Yet one day he has the opportunity of a lifetime: the school is under attack from a fierce dragon, and Rod finds a magical sword that can defeat it. Does he have what it takes to destroy a large monster that is as big as the mountains?
Targeted Age Group:: Young Adult (Grades 5-6)
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I wanted my first book to be an experimental type of story, based on the sidekick’s or comic relief’s point of view. Through the story, Roderick is seen as only Ezra’s friend, and his friend gets most of the fame, until later in the story, when Roderick has his shot at fame.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
I was primarily inspired by the Harry Potter series to create the characters for my book. Roderick himself was inspired by Ron Weasley, and I wanted to create a character very much like him. In addition, I wanted to write a story based on the perspective of the “sidekick” or “comic relief” character’s point of view, since Rod is the sidekick of Ezra, and yearns to be a famous hero like his friend.
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