This book is bargain priced from 06/23/2014 until 06/26/2014
You’re about to discover how to feel comfortable and fully at ease with public speaking.
Many experts claim that public speaking is a dying art. This is because many people dread standing up in front of a crowd to say their piece. In fact, if they could get away not doing it at all, they probably will. This fear of public speaking breeds a counterproductive mindset that is actually more disadvantageous over the long run.
What is needed is to imbibe the right attitude needed to help you get your debilitating fear of the unknown. To enable you to become a confident and successful public speaker, you need to tell yourself that you are fully capable of overturning things around in your favor. No more hesitation or doubts. Seize your moment by putting into practice the steps outlined in this book.
Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Learn When You Download Your Copy Today:
Why Public Speaking Matters?
Getting Started with the Basics
Planning Your Speech
Gearing Up for the Actual Moment
Being Receptive to Feedback
BONUS CHAPTER from “Memory Improvement – Simple And Funny Ways To Improve Your Memory Today”
Much, much more!
Targeted Age Group: 12-70
Book Price: $0.99
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About the Author:
Hi, my name is Patrick Cogen and I consider myself a fitness enthusiast with a passion for enjoying and living life to the fullest.
I love my family and my other interests include music, writing and reading.
Several years ago, I was struggling with my fears and disappointments throughout my life. It was a very difficult period of my life. So I decided to make a huge change. I have read and implemented the knowledge from the self-help books. I had the opportunity to learn from great people such as Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Dale Carnegie and Randy Gage.
After drastically changing my mindset, I have experienced success in many areas of my life. So I have finally decided I want to help others. I want to be someone who is willing to help and share the knowledge through writing. My belief lies in helping people who want to get rid of their fear and start living the life they truly deserve.
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