Jez, a troubled young boy, finds both school and home life pretty challenging. His mum is struggling to cope, his unpleasant stepdad is often drunk, and it is always left to Jez to take care of his two younger brothers. Life is tough.
Little does he know that when Mr Brown, a supply teacher assigned to his chaotic class strolls in, his difficult life is about to change.
What exactly is in the battered old suitcase this enigmatic teacher has brought with him? Will Jez ever get to find out?
Both children and adults alike are invited to join Jez on the emotional journey he is about to embark on, right from his first encounter with the inspirational Mr Brown.
Targeted Age Group:: young adult
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
When I was a student teacher (many moons ago!) I spent my last teaching practice in a tough school. I knew I would have to try something positive to get through to the pupils, so I came up with the idea of the suitcase! Fast forward to my life now and when I decided that I wanted to start writing seriously, I thought that this would make a good starting point for my first novel. I wanted to show how difficult some children’s lives are and how one positive influence can make a difference.
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Mr Brown is a mixture of many brilliant teachers that I have met and worked with over the years. I just gave him a backstory that would explain why he had such a lot of time and patience with challenging children. He is the teacher that everyone wants to be!
Jez is based on a variety of difficult children that I have taught over the years! Ultimately though I wanted to show that given the right circumstances even the most challenging pupil can change!
About the Author:
Hi, I’m Kate Hughes and this is a little bit of information about me!
I was born in Worcester, but as my dad was a soldier, I spent the first few years of my life travelling to various places such as Germany and Malta. Finally my family settled down in Derbyshire, and apart from a few years away at college, this is where I have stayed!
As well as being a primary school teacher for over 20 years, I am a mum of three girls which keeps me pretty busy. My poor husband is completely outnumbered by females in our house, so it was good news when we found out that our cat wasn’t a ‘Maisy’, but in actual fact was a ‘Toby’!
My writing started years ago when I first started teaching; I used to produce scripts for the drama club to perform. However, it is only recently that I have decided to take it seriously. I recently had a couple of stories printed in my local paper which was fabulous! Up until then I had never seen my words published!
When I’m not tapping away on my netbook, I quite like to ignore the housework and do something more interesting! I enjoy cycling whilst listening to various 80’s and 90’s tunes and I love baking cakes. My cherry scones are a particular favourite in our house.
‘Mr Brown’s Suitcase’ is my debut novel. When I started writing it I intended it as a children’s book, but I have been pleasantly surprised that adults enjoy it too! I am currently finishing a couple of books based on my snooty black cat and his ginger friend next door, which I hope both children and cat lovers will enjoy
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Link To Buy Mr Brown’s Suitcase On Amazon
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