What inspired you to write your book?
My children were the inspiration behind this book. They wanted me to write something they could read, so I decided to write this series.
About your Book:
Miracle was born into a litter of eleven. He was the runt and always had to compete for food and affection from his mother. Then one day a kind and gentle hand reached into the box and rescued him. From then on, he was loved and cared for by the lady and her family. Miracle grew into a healthy, rambunctious house cat. These are his adventures. Read about when he met two new family members, encountered a horrifying monster, and learned there is such a thing as being too curious.
Book Genre: Children’s
What formats are your books in
Both eBook and Print
How do you see writing a book in the Pet Genre as different from writing other genres of books?
The personalities of animals are as different as those of people, but a children’s book author has to be careful about what they put in books children-appropriate. Other books can pretty much be ‘no holds barred’ type writing.
Advice to someone that is thinking about or currently working on a pet book
Spend a lot of time with animals. Watch their mannerisms, temperament, and how they interact with other animals of the same and different species.
How did you decide how to publish your book and where is it published through:
I self-published through Createspace because I already had three other romance novels published through them.
Author Bio:
Marie Tayse lives in Tennessee with her children, boyfriend, and ‘fur babies’. At the publishing of this book, she has three inside adult cats (including Miracle and the others in this book), two inside kittens, four outside cats (plus two strays who have taken up residence but will not allow themselves to be touched), one inside dog, two outside dogs, and three outside puppies. She makes sure to keep warm places for the outside animals to sleep and they eat as good as most humans. To her, they are not just animals; they are family. She loves each and every one of them unconditionally. It is her dream to one day own and operate an animal shelter for abused and neglected animals, not just dogs and cats but larger animals as well.
This is her first children’s book, written for her children to enjoy as well as others.
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