Mandalas, circular, colorful symbols of power, already fascinated people thousands of years ago. Looking at them may activate deep emotional processes, creating them can be a deep meditative process which leads us to our center and sends out healing impulses.
Reading this book you will learn about
the meaning of the Word “mandala”
the origin and history of the mandala
the symbolic meaning of the mandala
the effects of the mandala
different types of mandalas
how to create a mandala
instructions for creating a concentric mandala, a lotus flower mandala, the flower of life and a Zendala
You will not only learn about the background of the mandala but also learn how to create your own mandalas.
Targeted Age Group:: adolescents and adults
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I have always been intrigued by mandalas, symbols and sacred geometry so I wanted to create a book with background information about the mandalas, different types of mandalas and instructions for creating your own mandalas.
Book Sample
Symbolic Meaning of the Mandala
To be able to get in contact with the subconscious, people have always been reliant on symbols. In these symbols, the subconscious may manifest in a form which is tangible for target-oriented thinking and action.
The symbolic of a mandala directly targets your subconscious. Through certain colors and forms, it addresses certain areas of your psyche and stimulates it.
A mandala may contain all sorts of symbols from religion, esoterism or psychology. Nowadays, also, natural motifs play a role. Abstract shapes and ornaments or representations of animals and other things may also serve as a mandala. In China and Japan, you will often find mandalas with letters instead of images.
The meanings of the mandalas are different in different cultures when it comes to their forms. In the Tibetan religious belief, the square is a symbol of the residence of the deity, the temple. In Eastern cultures, it is a symbol of the earth. In depth psychology, however, the square has the meaning of psychological strength and stability.
The circle is often a sign of the cosmos and the soul. Since the circle helps center the consciousness, it holds the mental energy together at the center.
The triangle, however, combines the positive, the negative and also the neutral. It represents the union of opposites but is also a symbol for higher harmony.
In Buddhist mandalas, the number five plays a big role. It always symbolizes the four cardinal points plus the center but also stands for the five aggregates (form, sensation, perception, mental fermentation, consciousness) and the five elements a being consists of according to Buddhist understanding. Furthermore, it additionally refers to the five wisdoms of Buddha.
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