Author Bio:
Take 2 is Linda Bolton’s first novel is available on Amazon. She is currently working on her third book, with her second, Incantation, to be released spring 2014. When she’s not writing, Linda is a GiGi, playing with her new granddaughter Z, and working full-time.
What inspires you to write?
Life around me. My friends, co-workers, guys I date and celebrities inspire me. Their stories are begging to be told. Everyday I hear something I should add to a story.
Tell us about your writing process.
I’m kind of both – an outliner and a pantser. I decide on the story, outline my main characters, do my research on their jobs, where they live, and decide how the story will start. From there it’s a free for all. If I get stuck along the way I ask for help from my girlfriends and my writing community. Sometimes they see something I don’t and can steer me in a direction I would not have seen.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I don’t exactly talk to them, it’s more of them taking my hand and leading me down a path. They are taking me on a journey that I usually have little control of. I just enjoy the ride.
What advice would you give other writers?
To write, read and make friends in social media with other writers. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice. The online writing community is very friendly. Writers love sharing their experiences.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I work full- time, so after talking to a writing friend who self-publishes, I knew that route wouldn’t be for me. I just don’t have the time or the money. I investigated the large publishing houses and found out how little control I would have once my manuscript was finished – they decide title, cover. So I looked at smaller publishing houses. I found a brand new one at the time – I had done a blog tour with the owner – and asked her if she’d be interested. She was. There is probably a dozen or so writers she represents now and were are all on the journey together, learning as we go. I love it. I have the freedom of an indie pub and the support of a publishing house – the best of both worlds.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think, because of ebooks, the big publishing houses will die out. They just aren’t needed anymore. Indie publishing is growing and writers are putting out better quality books.
What do you use?
Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer
What genres do you write?
Contemporary Romance, Boomer Lit
What formats are your books in?
Both eBook and Print
Link To Linda Bolton Page On Amazon
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