About Lesley Krueger:
Lesley Krueger is a Canadian novelist and filmmaker who writes about people trying to live good lives. She’s just released two new ebooks — one for adults and one for teens. Johnny Bey and the Mizzenglass World is a fantasy novel about a kid named Johnny who wants to fix his family after his brother, Brendan, goes missing. Entering a magic realm, Johnny plays a dangerous, high-stakes game to try to bring Brendan home. Daily Life is a mash-up novel about a woman named Leslie and her family who are crammed into a widesized house during a recession that never ends. Johnny Bey is available from Amazon and Smashwords, while Daily Life is available on Amazon, as are her previous novel, The Corner Garden, and her travel book, Foreign Correspondences. Lesley divides her time between reading books, watching movies and playing women’s beer-league hockey. She’s just back from a hockey tournament in Iceland, where her team almost won the championship. Really. (less)
What inspires you to write?
I was one of the obnoxious kids who always wanted to write. My eighth birthday present was a kid’s typewriter. That means I’ve always been alive to the world and to stories. They’re everywhere. Just open your eyes and look.
Tell us about your writing process.
All writing is rewriting. That’s an old saw, but I believe it. I start every day by rewriting what I wrote the previous day–or week–then make sure I progress at least a page forward before stopping for the day. It’s a slow process, but by the time I arrive at the end of a draft, it’s a pretty good draft. Then I rewrite it.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I stare at the floor a lot, hearing them speak in my head. It doesn’t look as if I’m writing, but I am.
Sometimes I get up and vacuum, too.
What advice would you give other writers?
Three pieces of advice: 1) Read. 2) Write. 3) Don’t wait for the limo to arrive at the door.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
If you’re a writer, you want to engage in a dialog with an audience. No point putting a manuscript in a drawer or an e-file folder. It’s got to get out there. I publish books with traditional publishers and online, trying to reach as many people as possible, and hoping to give them something to think about.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
We’re in a time of great disruption in all the arts. That can be both scary and exhilarating. I think it’s going to calm down in a few years, but meanwhile I’m trying to enjoy the ride.
What do you use?: Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer
What genres do you write?: Fiction, Non-fiction
What formats are your books in?: Both eBook and Print
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