About Leila Gaskin:
Born on a dark and stormy night on the other side of the world from Richmond, VA, Leila Gaskin began a life full of imaginative wanderings. Inspired by her journey, Leila takes inspiration from the places she’s lived. With her dog as her co-pilot and the cat as the navigator, she explores her world and tells her stories.
What inspires you to write?
Writing is like photography, I take inspiration from the world and look for those minute details that can make the world extraordinary. Those details inspire to view the world in a new light. I do my best to tell the stories that are sparked in my imagination.
Tell us about your writing process.
The first and only step that counts in my writing process is to WRITE. Writing is a muscle, it needs to be strengthened and exercised regularly.
When I’m concentrating on a project, I am a mix between a plotter and an panster – a Planster. I know where the story will start, the milestones that need to be hit to get to the end. This gives me the flexibility I need to follow the plot bunnies. While I have a vision, I also listen to where the heart of the story is. Sometimes, that has me changing the beginning or end.
Once I get the draft where I want it, I edit. And edit. And edit until I can see visions of grammar and punctuation dancing through my brain. Then I send it out to my critique group for feedback. This is where I ruin my manicure as I wait for their thoughts. Armed with chocolate, I read and decide what works for the story. Once those edits have been made, it goes back out to the group.
Once I finish that round of edits, I then send the story to my beta readers. This are my people who read to give me a gauge on the truth of the story.
Then I send the best draft that I possibly can to my editor and have them find the issues and problems I can’t see because I’m so close to the project.
At the end of the day, it’s about writing.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I have to pay attention to the characters and what makes them tick. Yes, they become very real to me. Without that connection, I feel that the story will fail. The psychological make up of the characters help determine what the story will be come. When it comes to writing, it’s okay to listen to the voices in your head.
What advice would you give other writers?
First and foremost write.
Then surround yourself with other writers. Join a critique group and a writer organization. Other writers can help you get through the tough times and help you celebrate your successes.
Finally, write.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I self-published Hot Flashes. I am very involved in my local writers organization. There we explore all opportunities in the publishing world. Publishing is a completely different beast from 10 years ago. Self-publication is just as valid as the traditional route.
Research your options. Understand the time that all paths take. In the truest form of Self-publishing, the entire burden rests on you. In Traditional Publishing, you have agents and editors that will help you in the process. In both paths, the author needs to spend time in marketing. You have to have a strong drive in order to promote your book.
There are many resources on the web that can help you make the decision – Predators & Editors, Writer Beware, The Passive Voice all have a strong understanding of the publishing industry.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think the future of the publishing industry is bright for the flexible author. There is no one true path. Keep yourself open to all opportunities. The devil is in the details. Read all contracts, understand what the legalese really means.
What do you use?: Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer, Beta Readers
What genres do you write?: Urban Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Fiction, Science Fiction
What formats are your books in?: Both eBook and Print
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