About Julia Laque:
Julia Laque was born in Chicago, Illinois. She holds a B.S. in Education and an M.A. in School Administration. She has taught the fourth grade for the past ten years. As much as she loves teaching, her true passion has always been the written word. She still lives in Chicago, Illinois with her husband, daughter and cocker spaniel.
What inspires you to write?
I started writing in college. I remember reading a romance novel when I should have been studying for an exam and imagining how I would have ended the story. I thought, I can do this. Just about everything inspires me to write. Driving to work, hanging out with friends, playing with my daughter… I find myself narrating what’s happening.
Tell us about your writing process.
I’m definitely an outliner. Before I begin an outline, however, I brainstorm for months. I don’t write anything in a document until I start that first chapter. I jot down ideas in a journal when I’m at home and if I’m at work, I shoot myself a quick email or enter it in my notes app on my iPhone. Once I’ve recorded a sufficient amount of notes I can form an outline in my journal. In order for me to move along with the characters, I have to write the story in sequential order. My mind occasionally jumps ahead and I’ll write a scene out of sequence, but I’ll put it in a separate doc. When I do this, I almost always change it up once I get to that part in the story.
When I am trying to describe a setting, I sketch it first. Especially when it comes to my character’s homes. I need to have a visual as I write. The climax in Tortured Embrace was a bit challenging for me. I had to make several sketches to get it right. The walls in my office are filled with notes and sketches. I think it adds a nice touch to the room. ; )
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I’m a listener. My characters are bossy. They’d never let me get a word in. They basically show me what they’re doing and tell me what to write. I’ve had arguments with my editor because my hero or heroine insist on specific words or phrases. I tell her, “So and so wouldn’t say it like that.” My characters aren’t exactly speaking to me. It’s more like a play being conducted in my mind. And their favorite time to perform is when I’m trying to sleep.
What advice would you give other writers?
Read, read, and then read some more. I think it’s important for writers to read different styles of writing. It’ll give you lots of ideas and keeps your writing fresh.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I did my research on which publisher would read my submission. After compiling two lists titled, (Yeah, right!) and (Just maybe…) I started submitting in alphabetical order, noting the date I submitted and when to follow up. (I believe there is an app for this now.) My advice is to do your research and follow their guidelines to a T.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
It’s an ebook world. I remember counting down the days till a book released and then going to the book store as soon as I could to purchase it. Now, it is so convenient to get what we want with just a click of a button. However, as a book lover, there is nothing better than to hold a good novel in your hands, stare at the pages for hours without your eyes stinging, or go back to the beginning of the story without clicking on the table of contents. As much as I love ebooks, I certainly hope print books get back their reputation.
What do you use?: Professional Cover Designer
What genres do you write?: Romance, paranormal
What formats are your books in?: Both eBook and Print
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