About Jonquil Graham:
I was born in the UK, raised in coastal Sydney and now lives in New Zealand. I adopted nine children of various nationalities and fostered many more, as told in my first book “How many Planes to get me? Nine children adopted into a NZ family”. I helped initiate inter-country adoption in NZ.
What inspires you to write?
The 60s was an amazing era when the times were a’changing, as famously sung by Bob Dylan. I wanted youngsters to understand why their parents behave the way they do, and how they felt as teenagers. It’s a social record of how life was, but written in a funny quirky way.
Tell us about your writing process.
I trawled through all my diaries to recapture memories and the mood and emailed lots of baby boomers
What advice would you give other writers?
Keep a diary. Keep writing, never give up.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
Join a writing group, having fun writing and believe in yourself.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
ebooks have a healthy future
What do you use?: Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer
What genres do you write?: biographies
What formats are your books in?: eBook, Print, Both eBook and Print
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