About John Irvine:
John Irvine is an Old Aged Pensioner in New Zealand with delusions of immortal failure and a cynical view of life. He has a mole under his left arm, and a wife who loathes tripe. He hopes to die painlessly one day without warning, and with a minimum of leakage.
He had a volume of poetry published in 2005 by Zenith Publishing Group: www.zenithpublishing.co.nz in New Zealand called ‘Man of Stone.’ It has been positively reviewed in NZ’s Takahe magazine by Raewyn Alexander, in Valley Micropress by Tony Chad and given a thorough rubbishing by Sam Smith of The Journal in the UK. John’s pathetically grateful for all of that. He also has an Internet bookshop where you can waste some time: www.cooldragon.co.nz
Irvine had a collection of curious poetry illustrated cleverly by serial pencil stealer Dave Freeman called ‘Rat atouille for the rindless’ which has grossed at least $200. Also recently released is a disgusting, illustrated collection of speculative recipes, poetry and short stories called Blood Curry. Avoid it at all costs unless you have a strong stomach.
He had another small collection of poetry and photographs published in 2010 called ‘You and me and cancer makes three’ which is a journal of his brush with cancer. Surprisingly, it is not depressing but uplifting. In it Irvine’s weird humour carries the day.
Online writers’ forums and teaching poetry to primary school kids in his home area keep the old geezer busy.
What inspires you to write?
No idea. Although my two greyhounds do give pause to think, and sometimes things in nature. Also, I get ideas in the middle of the night which can be inconvenient. Otherwise….
Tell us about your writing process.
As a poet and writer of flash fiction I don’t have to involve myself in massive plans and scenarios. I just get it down and edit it later. I’m lazy too, and lacking discipline, so poetry and flash work for me.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I do talk out loud to some of my characters, or talk as them. I’m lucky my wife is also a writer!
What advice would you give other writers?
Write write write… never ever edit until you are done. Get it down on paper of a Word document. That’s the trick.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
Given the fact that traditional publishers these days are only interested in writers who are famous or infamous. People like politicians, rugby players and serial killers. I have self-published and also used indie publishers. Both have their place. Unless you are one of the above you can forget about traditionals.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
Read above first. I suppose publishing is inevitably heading towards totally electronic… personally, I loath e-books, but I do realise they now have a place in the publishing world. My own books are available in e-book format.
What do you use?: Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer
What genres do you write?: Horror, sci fi, fantasy, humour, personal experience.
What formats are your books in?: Both eBook and Print
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