About Jason Bohne:
Author of children’s books, novels and graphic novels. I currently live in Texas.
What inspires you to write?
First off, I am a habitual procrastinator and should have piles of books done by now. However, if I didn’t have an outlet to express my creativity my brain would explode from congestion. I am always jotting down notes and experiences from every day living. I have notebooks full or stuff I would like to incorporate into my writing one day.
Also, I honestly feel this is what I was destined to do. The possibility of success and have the dream come true is a motivator.
Tell us about your writing process.
I generally jot notes and try to form storyboards. So I have a basic outline and certain scenes laid out before I start. This applies mainly to my novels and graphic novels.
I can usually hammer out a children’s book story pretty quickly once I get an idea. What I usually do is illustrate the kid’s book myself and form a basic story. Then I submit the illustrations to my illustrator and we work cohesively to get the pictures right. Then I go back and tweak the story to make sure it’s perfect.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
Regarding my children’s books, no. However, with my novels and graphic novels I view myself as the main character. Not that the stories are memoirs…I just put myself in the main characters shoes and pull from my own experiences or emotions.
What advice would you give other writers?
Just write. Who care’s what others think. That’s pretty much all I can say. I’m still trying to figure a lot of stuff out.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
They’re ebooks right now. Until I find a publisher willing to take me on they will only be ebooks. It’s too expensive to self-publish in print. The out of pocket expenses aren’t feasible.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
There are so many platforms for new writers to showcase their stuff that the (self) publishing world is getting crowded. It’s tough to stand out. Also, it seems like agents and the whole publishing industry wants you to do EVERTHING and have some success before they will even consider picking you up. That said, I think the future is bright and am grateful for the opportunities to show my work to the world that authors previously did not have. The hardest part is getting it out there for the world to see.
What do you use?: Professional Editor
What genres do you write?: children’s, kid’s, fiction, graphic novel, horror,
What formats are your books in?: eBook
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