About J Holland:
The Allegheny mountains were J’s home and playground, where he experienced rural life in a forest paradise and attended a fundamental Christian church. Circumstances in his late teens apprehended his pursuance of Medical school and took him west where he became a husband and father and a miner. Music, an early passion resulted in J’s mastering of several musical instruments. He plays in the worship band and is a member of a music ministry in a quartet. Numerous shelves hold J’s writings accumulated throughout his life. J is a gleaner of information, who then spreads the Light of God’s Word through that information to non-believers and believers alike. Methodical processing and deviceful imagination produce the stimulating and entertaining reading of his books. When not reading, writing or studying, J can be found on a riverbank catching trout, in the high desert and mountains hunting, at home cooking and trading stock or exploring history and sites in the US and abroad. His love for experiencing life enriches all he does and especially his writing.
What inspires you to write?
A desire to inspire people to observe their surroundings, culture, choices made because of circumstances and knowledge. Then to offer a view which could initiate confirmation of their current perspective or redirection in their plight.
What authors do you read when you aren’t writing?
The Holy Bible, Ravi Zacharias, Josh McDowell, Billy Graham, John Bunyan, Rick Warren, Max Lucado, C.S. Lewis, Garrett Gunderson, Tom Rath, Chris Brady, Bill O’Reilly, Hank Hanegraaff, Tim LaHaye, Randy Alcorn, Grant Jeffery, Michael Baigent, Alexis de Tocqueville
Tell us about your writing process.
As a new author, I am establishing a style. My first book was pretty much sporadic idea creation and character formation ending in the amassing of all the parts into a book. My second book of the series is flowing with an outline and characters already defined.
What advice would you give other writers?
Keep at it and don't be afraid to self-publish. Be patient.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
Investigating all the avenues of publishing was a bit overwhelming. I was under the impression that having a publisher was the only way to gain access to widespread attention. I found the vetting from traditional publishers too constrictive and the cost of hybird publishers too expensive and decided to try out Kindle Direct Publishing. So far the I am very satisfied and the resulting publishing opportunities through other self publishing sites have been rewarding.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
Throughout human history written words have been important. I foresee the continuance of that human attribute and the resulting written record.
What genres do you write?: Christian Fantasy, Christian Allegory
What formats are your books in?: Both eBook and Print
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All information in this post is presented “as is” supplied by the author. We don’t edit to allow you the reader to hear the author in their own voice.